Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New Accounting System

A New Accounting System

Here is a brand new, never seen before, devotional from Pastor Bill Raws, now with the Lord.

“Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:11)

On the basis of God’s declared truth regarding my position in Christ, I am instructed to put into operation a new accounting system. In the language of Paul’s day, the work reckon (or consider), introducing our theme text, was used in accounting. They thought was of one entering items into a ledger as an asset. The Apostle applies this by commanding that believers re to carry two items forward on a continuing basis – their death to sin and their being alive to God.

The basis for this transaction is the truth of verses 1-10, our identification with Christ. The facts of the believer’s relationship to Christ are clearly stated in a conclusive manner, but now there is to be an appropriation of them in the form of an entry in the ledger of our faith. God has credited to our account the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. He has made a direct deposit, but we are to act on His declaration and make a permanent entry by faith.

The implications of this transaction are that we no longer are obligated to sin as a dominating principle in our lives. We are free from that debt and are now alive to the new principle – life in Christ Jesus. Our identification with Him in His death makes it possible for us to be sharers in His life.

A little couplet of verse summarizes this transaction:
“Reckon, Reckon, Reckon, Reckon when you cannot feel;
If you will tend to the reckoning, God will make it real.” – Source unknown

Rev. William A. Raws is the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK and went home to be with Jesus in July 2008

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 17; Leviticus 21-22; Matthew 28

Check out this weeks Stewardship Insight by George: http://keswickgeorge.blogspot.com/

"Something happens when we come to God for His grace and mercy--something that is so radical and so amazing that it can only be described as death to our old selves. It is the overwhelming desire to please the One who has loved us with such amazing and unconditional love...I may not get better overnight; I may not be the fine, upstanding, and wonderful Christian I thought I was, but I now have a desire to please the One who loved me (and gave Himself for me). That desire is the soil in which goodness grows--not perfectly, by any means, but it does grow." Steve Brown

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