Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lord, What Do You Want Me to Do?

Lord, What Do You Want Me to Do?

Acts 9:6a; so he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

With threats of murder and imprisonment still in his heart for the men and women found of the Way, Saul could only find these words to ask our Savior after He revealed Himself to him on that road to Damascus, “Lord what do you want me to do?”

Before I can ask Jesus this question for myself, I first must ask; am I willing to be separated from my foolish ideas and my selfish desires to live exclusively for Jesus? Matt.16:24 says; “let him deny himself, take up the cross and follow me.” On my own strength I am incapable of doing this. (Phil.4:13) But do I want to be a doormat for people to walk all over anyway? Why can’t I have the recognition in Christ I seek without His suffering?

To be honest, all I really want is anything God can do for me to make me more desirable in my own eyes. But Jesus has been transforming me from this mind set, showing me how my ideas and desires do little to further His Kingdom here on earth. How my way of doing things are inconsistent with His words in Matt.11:29b. Though I still struggle, I am certain of this, my responsibility in Christ. And that has never changed; to make Him known as the only Savior of sinners! Never mind whether people appreciate me now, never mind whether I get my reward down here.

I’m willing to do without it until I come face to face with the One who judges justly. My Master has superseded my wants and has put this necessity upon me, to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 1Cor.9:16. I won’t deny Him Matt.10:33.

When God is glorified, His Spirit can work to bring Christ to those who need to know Him. Warren Wiersbe spoke well when he said, “True servants of God help others whether they themselves get anything out of it or not. Their concern is only that God be glorified and people trust Christ.” Brothers, as servants of God we will experience His suffering in our service. We may suffer emotionally, physically and yes, spiritually. But serving is never punishment! It’s nourishment!!! Have YOU asked Jesus lately; “what do you want me to do?” I have, and never once was it the answer I was expecting. Glory be to God for that! -- Chris Connors is Director of Housekeeping at America's KESWICK and a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 18; Leviticus 23-24; Mark 1:1-22

Great Quote: In adversity God gazes into and searches out each one; He weighs the disposition of every individual in dangers, even to death at last; He investigates the will of man, certain that to Him nothing can perish.Therefore, as gold is refined by the fires, so are we declared by critical moments. Minucius Felix

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