Monday, February 16, 2009



" ... this one thing I do ..." Philippians 3:13

One of the character qualities that I desire in my life is consistency. I have several mentors that are just simply steady -- in every area of their lives. I am sure that they have issues, but I see in them this steadfastness and consistency that I admire and long to have in my life.

Fenelon, in his book, THE SEEKING HEART writes this about consistency:

I've noticed that you always want to drop one thing to hurry on to the next. Yet each task takes you far too much time to finish because you dissect everything far too much. You are not slow -- just long-winded. You want to say everything that has the slightest connection to the subject at hand. This always takes too long and causes you to rush from one thing to another.

Try to be brief. Learn to get to the heart of the matter and disregard the nonessential. Don't spend your time musing! What you really need to do is sit quietly before God and your active and argumentative mind would soon be calmed. God can teach you to look at each matter with a simple, clear view. You could say what you mean in two words! (For a sanguine that's hard!)

And as you think and speak less you will be less excitable and distracted. Otherwise you will wear yourself out, and external things will overpower your inward life as well as your health.

Cut all this activity short! Silence yourself inwardly. Come back to your Lord often. You will get more accomplished this way. It is more important to listen to God than to your own thoughts.

It is not enough to like good books (now he's meddling!). You must be a good book yourself. The people who knew God best had more problems that you, yet they kept their peace and cultivated simplicity, purity, and inward prayer.

I believe your busy life exhausts you in every way. Don't let your work carry you away and eat up your life. Take time to renew yourself before God. Be brief and act quietly with your business affairs.

Wow! If I didn't know better, I would think that this guy has been snooping into my journal. He nailed me right between the eyeballs.

How about you? Do you struggle with consistency? Is life out of control? Run to the cross and allow Him to speak to your heart. It is a very cool journey. If I shut up long enough, He will speak. Will I listen? That's the question. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 16; Leviticus 19-20; Matthew 27:51-66

Great Quote: The drum beats in the gospel for volunteers...Let none take your crown from you...Be thankful for every victory you get...He is the right soldier that is not discouraged by those that run from, or that are slain in the battle, but still press on to victory ...March on, not in the confidence of your armour, but in the power of his might, who has promised shortly to subdue Satan under your feet.--William Gurnall

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