Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Time Dimensions of Heaven and Prayer

The Time Dimensions of Heaven and Prayer

I read this sometime ago and thought it would be a blessing to you today. It is from the book., A MINUTE OF MARGIN by Dr. Richard A. Swenson (NavPress).

The elasticity of time is not a spiritual apparition but rather a proven fact of physics. In physics we know the elasticity of time is related to both velocity and gravity. The faster the velocity or the greater the gravity, the slower time passes. This effect is not simply an observational phenomenon. It really happens! It is called time dilation. The time dilation effect maximizes at the speed of light when the passage of time stops altogether.

What does this tell us about God? If time can be influenced by velocity and gravity, imagine how it can be influenced by the Creator of velocity and gravity. In fact God stops time.

When we arrive in heaven we will discover some very liberating ideas regarding the nature and experience of time. We will discover how dramatically we underestimated the true nature of time simply because our earthbound imaginations could never rise that high.

Even more, for the first time we will understand God's own radical power over the time dimension. When His mastery over time is fully displayed, we will wonder what we could have been had we not so foolishly limited Him during our short stay on earth.

Try to conceive of the extreme facility with which God operates within time. He lives in the past, the present, and the future all the same time. "God does not 'foresee' you doing things tomorrow; He simply see you doing them now," wrote C. S. Lewis, "because, though tomorrow is not yet there for you, it is for Him."

Some people balk at prayer because they can't get beyond the time issues involved. They wonder, "How can God listen to a million people praying all at once?" Actually, there are no obstacles in physics that would prevent God from hearing a billion prayers simultaneously. As a matter of fact, God can listen to an infinite number of prayers at the same time and take an infinite amount of time in answering each - all within the bounds of both theological and scientific orthodoxy. A pilot crashing into a mountain can shoot a last minute prayer to God, and God has an infinite amount of time to consider His answer.

Life on planet earth is full of time stress. Life in heaven is devoid of time stress. In His calm power, God patiently waits for His children to look up. The doctors prescription? Pray! Realizing just how effortlessly and powerfully God moves around within time encourages the habit of prayer. God has no difficulty whatsoever hearing your prayer, considering it, and answering it. If there is any defect in prayer, it is always from the human side related to faith and never from the divine side related to time or power. - Dr. Richard A. Swenson

I thought this devotional would encourage your hearts today. It did mine. Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of prayer. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America' Keswick

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 10; Hosea 1-4; Revelation 1

Think About This: Pray, pray very much; but beware of telling God what to do. - French Proverb

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