Thursday, December 11, 2008

God's Gift of Love

God's Gift of Love "The expression of love is to care"

Gifts originate from some form of love. Even God's gift comes from His great love. He so loved us that He gave His only Son. So says John in his gospel.(3:16) We can not originate love. We need love to generate love. That is the reason the Word says, "We love Him because He first loved us." (1 John 4:10)

Since God is the source of love, when did love begin?

God showed His love in His constant caring. When He made man He put him in the garden that He had provided. Daily man knew of God's care when they awoke to new fruits and vegetables to eat. Because man was forbidden to eat ALL of the fruit it was the forbidden fruit that he wanted.

When man ate of the tree that God kept from him, he lost the home of God's care but not the care of God. Man was given labor to keep him from boredom. God cared for those who cared not for Him. He provided an ark to protect those few who remained faithful.

He cared for both Abraham and Lot. He cared enough for us to call Moses to write His rules for us to follow. In the "fullness of time," He gave us the gift of His love wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger. That gift was hung on a tree. His body was ripped open on the cross so that we could see the magnitude of God's great love.

When the beloved pastor, Frank Ellsworth Graeff (1860-1919)
penned the words to his hymn, "Does Jesus Care?" it was due to all of the tragedies in life that he saw. He asked,

Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed
To resist some temptation strong?
When for my deep grief I find no relief,
Tho my tears flow all the night long?

O yes, He cares- I know He cares!
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

When Peter writes of our burdens too heavy to bear (in 1 Peter5:7) he says, "Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you!" The word casting means when you can not handle your problems, you can roll them over onto Him. He is able to take care of them but most of all He cares for you.

The Poet's Thoughts

When the road ahead is dark and I can not see
I can trust in Your great love to take care of me
I need but to call your name in some secret place
You will give me the strength to finish my race

For when there is no other who truly cares
I will trust the one who answers prayers
Because His love is pure and His love is strong
It puts into my heart this song.

Though all may forsake me and from me depart
I can trust in our God for I know His heart! -- Pastor George VanSandt

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 11; Hosea 5-8; Revelation 2

Think about this: In the same manner in which we clean and prepare our homes in the anticipation of welcomed guests and family members this Christmas season, let us also prepare our hearts in anticipation of the Lord's coming. Christ, our most honoured and eagerly anticipated guest, desires to meet with us in a heart prepared for his arrival. So eager is he to meet with us that he offers to help us with our spiritual housecleaning, working with us; creating a resting place for Himself within our hearts. -- Katherine Walden

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