Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Giant of the Faith


"But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work." 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Tonight we will have the privilege to honor of our God's choices servants, Dr. Eric Crichton, for his service on the Board of Trustees of America's KESWICK for the past 14 years. Dr. Crichton is one of those amazing men that God brought into my life, ever too briefly, but for "such a time as this."

He is one of those "giants of the faith" that has made a huge impact on the kingdom during his many years of ministry. Now in his mid-eighties, Dr. Crichton is still a lover of God's Word and skilled expositor of the Scriptures.

He was born in Scotland and grew up in Canada, having cut his teeth in the business world serving in the field of accounting and office management. He was called by God to attend Moody Bible Institute, and during that time, he knew God was calling him into full-time ministry.
In 1993 he was honored as "Alumnus of the Year" by Moody Bible Institute at the annual Moody Founders Week.

He would go on to serve as the Associate Pastor of the infamous Moody Church, serving with the late Dr. Alan Redpath. From Moody, he went on to serve the Willowdale Baptist Church in Toronto, Canada, and then was called to serve as Senior Pastor at Calvary Church in Lancaster, PA for twenty-three years.

In addition to his pasturing, Dr. Crichton has preached around the globe at various conferences and Keswick conventions, and has ministered on the mission fields of thirty-six countries in Central and South America, Africa, Europe and the Far East.

Dr. Crichton served as the interim Executive Director of America's KESWICK prior to my coming as President and CEO, and has been a faithful mentor and friend. He is a man of prayer and deep love for the lost of the world. He is a man who loves his family and has modeled a life of integrity and dignity which is so lacking in our world today. I often refer to him as a "gentle giant."

Seasons of life bring changes, and Dr. and Mrs. Crichton have made the decision to cut back on their schedules. We will miss their "physical" activeness at America's KESWICK, but we appreciate their continuing prayer for our ministry. On this day when we will honor them for their faithful service to the Lord, I echo Paul's words to "appreciate and esteem them very highly in the Lord." Dr. and Mrs. Crichton - we love you and thank God for you. May God give you many more years of faithful service to Him. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 9; Daniel 11-12; Jude

Think About This: The present is very precious; these are the days of salvation; now is the acceptable time. How sad that you do not spend the time in which you might purchase everlasting life in a better way. The time will come when you will want just one day, just one hour in which to make amends, and do you know whether you will obtain it? -- Thomas a Kempis

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT by George. It's a good one:
http://keswickgeorge.blogspot.com/ on Christmas budgeting.

Have you ordered your copy of Bill's first piano CD, JESUS LED ME ALL THE WAY? Fourteen piano hymn favorites including, Day By Day, Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, and What a Friend We Have in Jesus. This will make a great Christmas present for family and friends. Cost is $15 including shipping and handling. To order, reply to this email and we will ship today.

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