Saturday, December 06, 2008

Surviving the Twists and Turns of Life

Surviving the Twists and Turns of Life (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Years ago, my wife heard a lady speak at conference about her "Survival Scriptures." She went on to explain that God had worked into her life some particular scripture verses that helped her through various kinds of difficult circumstances. She carried them in heart and mind and had them typed onto a piece of paper which was taped to the inside cover of her Bible.

Bobbie liked the idea, and over time she discovered her own set of "Survival Scriptures." They have encouraged her through the years. God has also allowed her to share them with other women, encouraging them and challenging them to let God lead them to their own set of "Survival Scriptures."

After seeing how the process brought blessing to Bobbie, I decided to ask God for my own "Survival Scriptures." I've hardly ever shared them with others; they're just very personal to me. God may someday give me freedom to share them, but so far they've just helped me through those twists and turns of life.

You may need to work through the process of finding your own "Survival Scriptures." We all discover curves in the road we hadn't expected. Things come at us that we don't understand and may not know how to handle. Sometimes we just don't have answers. When we can't explain what's going on, we need to know that someone does and that He's there to guide us through the bumps and potholes life throws in our way. Don't expect that you won't have those bumps and potholes. "If" they will come isn't the issue. "When" they'll come better defines life for us.

Isaiah saw those days when life didn't make sense. He couldn't see God at work. God helped him understand, however. Here's what God gave Isaiah-I wonder if it became a "Survival Scripture for him! "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

That isn't one of my personal "Survival Scriptures," but it could be. Let God prepare you for the twists and turns of life by giving you some "Survival Scriptures" that will sustain you when life just plain doesn't make sense. -- John Strain is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Daniel 3-4; 1 John 5

Think About This: The boundless stores of Providence are engaged for the support of the believer. Christ is our Joseph, who has granaries full of wheat; but He does not treat us as Joseph did the Egyptians, for He opens the door of His storehouse and bids us call all the good therein our own. He has entailed upon His estate of Providence a perpetual charge of a daily portion for us, and He has promised that one day we shall clearly perceive that the estate itself has been well-farmed on our behalf and has always been ours. The axle of the wheels of the chariot of Providence is Infinite Love, and Gracious Wisdom is the perpetual charioteer. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Join us tomorrow at 4:00 PM for a benefit concert with the Christian Community Choir from Allentown, NJ. The offering will be taken for the Colony of Mercy. The concert will be held in the Activity Center.

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