Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Second Sunday of Advent

The Second Sunday of Advent (Mark 1:9-15)

Do you remember the quote about Advent that I shared with you last week? It was from Robert Webber, one of America's finest thinkers about worship before he went to heaven. He said Advent is "a time when God disturbs the waters of our lives." God addressed every need man has by sending His Son, Jesus, into our world. And He walks into our lives to make sure we don't miss His work.

Unfortunately, too many people in Jesus' day and ours do miss His arrival and His desire to work in our lives. More people missed Jesus' birth than noticed it. I preached a series of messages one year during Advent that I called "The People Who Missed Christmas." Those who missed it then and those who miss it now, do so for the same reason. They're not paying attention!

John the Baptist came to prepare the way for Jesus' public ministry. The first words Jesus spoke as He began His public ministry announced what so many were missing. "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel." (Mark 1:15) People weren't watching and waiting. Even with all we know (Hindsight is always 20-20!), many in our churches aren't watching and waiting. The kingdom work continues, but too many live with little or no awareness of that work.

That's why Advent is so important. The emphasis reminds us to live watchful lives. Watchfulness may be the lost art of the 21st century! We live in the moment, with little thought of "big picture" issues. We don't see Jesus at work in our lives or our churches. Instead of living with watchfulness and anticipation, we live without focus and everything blends together. Advent encourages us to slow down, to pay attention to what is really important.

Part of the Advent celebration in many churches is the Advent wreath with its candles. We thought about the "Candle of Hope" last week. Today Christians will share in lighting the "Candle of Love," reminding us that God loved us enough to send us Jesus, the Light of the World. The light of the candle is an aid to our watchfulness; lighting the way and helping us remember to watch for Jesus' love in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

I urge you to live in "watch mode." Choose to listen for God's voice in your life as He shows you His work in your life and your world. Let the Advent season renew you and remind you that you live for more than now. As followers of Jesus, all of us live with an eye toward heaven. We watch for His work and His second coming into our world. -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 7; Daniel 5-7; 2 John

Think About This: The most important prayer in the world is just two words long: "Thank you".

Join us today at 4:00 PM for a special Christmas concert with the Christian Community Choir of Allentown, NJ. The concert will be a benefit for the Colony of Mercy. The concert will be held in the Activity Center. Come and enjoy the Christmas Tree Exhibit before the program. For information, call 732-350-1187.

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