Thursday, November 06, 2008

Just Do the Dishes

Just Do the Dishes

"A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long." Proverbs 31: 10-12 (The Message)

Things for my family have gotten a little tight in the checkbook. My wife, Kathy, has been out of work for some time and like most households these days we do need the extra paycheck. She had worked for a good long time for the same lawyer and didn't miss a beat. She was able to manage our family while I spent 120 days in The Colony of Mercy. When I returned home she stayed on the path of recovery that God laid out and never once did I ever hear her say "This is what I want...what about how I feel?"

So now she is an at home person and sometimes it bugs her. In the beginning it was kind of cool to have her home. She sends IM's to me over the computer and she is able to participate in school activities with our children more than before. But lately Kathy has not sitting well with just "sittin' around". Yes she has her Bible studies and has expanded her fellowship with many ladies in other churches but sometimes I hear the "Humph".

Now in the old days this sound meant I was in trouble but these days it seems to have a different tone. And it saddens my heart. So whats a boy to do? The dishes that's what. Tonight I had been occupying myself with a common household chore, while Kathy took our kids to Awana and Youth Group, just thinking of some great words of wisdom to share with the Freedom Fighter Brethren when this thought popped in my head." Just load the dishwasher for your wife."

So there you go guys. On this day of great change in our nation we as men of integrity can do something extraordinary....Load the dishwasher for your wife.
Since my family came to Christ it has been a family goal to honor the protection and provision that God has bestowed on us. I have recently heard about a friend of my wife who does not have it so good. Her ex-husband has fallen so far into the bottle, his own children want nothing to do with him. They have gone so far as to have a judge make it so he stays away from them. That woulda...coulda....shoulda....been me, but for the grace of God and the shed blood of Christ. for me and my house, we will serve the Lord -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; Jeremiah 37-39; Hebrews 3

Think About This: We must put our confidence in the armor of God, but in the God of this armor, because all our weapons are only mighty through God. -- William Gurnall

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