Friday, November 07, 2008



I want to thank all of you who have commented on the Freedom Fighter's regarding the election. Some of the feedback that I have received implied that I might have been slanting my writing against a particular party, so I thought it would be good to clarify my position.

America's KESWICK has chosen not to endorse political candidates. It has been my desire in this week's Freedom Fighters to challenge you to not be so caught up in which party are the winner or losers, but to remind you that God is ultimately in control and still on the throne.

Some of the Colony men were praying for their candidate and were questioning why God didn't answer their prayers. The answer I gave them was simple: God DID indeed answer their prayers. If we prayed for the man that God would have in the White House, then I must trust in the fact that the one who "puts up" and "puts down" was working behind the scenes to accomplish HIS purposes.

Like any sports competition, we all have a team we are rooting for, and we hope our particular team wins. Good sportsmanship is recognizing that there is a winner and loser. The team that loses are not losers - they are good people who just didn't win the game. If the Rays had won the World Series, I would have cheered them on even though I love the Phillies.

As American's we have the freedom to voice our opinions about the issues that are near and dear to our hearts. That is the privilege of being an American. As Christian American's we have the responsibility to voice our opinion when there are clear violations of biblical principles by either party.

Scripture makes it very clear that we are to pray for our leaders. There doesn't appear to be wiggle room taking us off the hook if we don't "like" the person. I am committing to prayer for President -Elect Barak Obama and his family. The weight and responsibility of the office of the President is more than many realize. I was very pleased to read blogs and emails from many of the organizations that campaigned against Senator Obama that have now encouraged their constituency to pray for him. I have not seen that in the past.

I would also like to encourage you to be very discerning about forwarding emails that have not been verified by Truth or There are some very hateful emails being forwarded that are not truthful and very malicious. We hurt our testimony by spreading rumors and hateful things that are not true. When I get a forward, I immediately check it out, and if it is false, I "reply to all" with the admonition to retract the erroneous forward.

Please hear my heart, brothers (and sisters) who are a part of the Freedom Fighter family - now is the time for us to pray. Now is the time for us to encourage. Join the Presidential Prayer team and be praying for President-Elect, Obama, and the transition team. Write me if you want information on the Presidential Prayer team.

May God bless America. May we see revival break out in our land, and may it start with me. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: -- Proverbs 7; Jeremiah 40-42; Hebrews 4

Think About This: Your part in intercessory prayer is not to agonize over HOW to intercede, but to use the everyday circumstances and people God puts around you by HIS providence to bring them before His throne, and to allow His Spirit in you the opportunity to intercede for them. - Oswald Chambers

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