Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Sand Pile of an Unjudged Life (Part1)

The Sand Pile of an Unjudged Life (Part 1)

One of my spiritual heroes is Pastor Bob Alderman, our speaker for this week. For the next four mornings I will share his devotionals on the topic of The Sand Pile of An Unjudged Life. You can hear Pastor Bob live each evening (Tuesday - Thursday) from America's KESWICK by visiting the website: www.americaskeswick.org. The service airs at 7:00 PM


"...then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye."
(Matthew 7:5)

In the conclusion of His "Sermon On The Mount" our Lord said that those who heard His sayings and did not do them would be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. (Mt. 7:26)

Yet "doing" the "Sermon On The Mount" is a demanding and often unpopular exercise. Let me illustrate with one of our major failures.

The church of our present day has fallen for the mistaken idea that we are not to judge others. The "Biblical" reasoning for such is the out of context quotation "Judge not" of Matthew 7:1. In our abuse of such an erroneous interpretation the church has forfeited one of its most valuable and privileged protections. The idea of an unexamined and unjudged life is neither consistent with our Biblical protection nor with the love which should be shown to us by others and the love we should show to others.

At the outset of this brief series on "The Sand Pile of an Unjudged Life" let me illustrate the point with this personal testimony. I desire and need for others to judge me. And I pray for those who will do me the great favor of such personal judgment.

At the time of writing this testimony I have been the son of two parents, the husband of one wife, the father of four children and the grandfather of nine. I have served over forty-two years in pastoral ministries and therefore have been the friend and pastor of several thousand. In the privilege of such relationships I have both received and begged for the judgment of my life. It is one of my best protections against a life of improper offense to those I love. Such judgment also provides keen insight into those aspects of my life that would be offensive to my Lord and destructive of the ministry to which He has assigned me.

I pray that others shall see clearly to cast out the mote that is in my eye for I fear the sand pile of an unjudged life.-- Dr. Robert L. Alderman

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 103-104; Proverbs 19; 1 Corinthians 2

Great Quote: Even a coward can praise Christ, but it takes a man of courage to follow him. -- Anonymous

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