Monday, August 18, 2008

Put It To the Test


There is much confusion in the church today regarding Christian liberty and that confusion is causing many to drift into areas of sinful behavior that is causing them to struggle with addictions as well as causing others to stumble and be offended.

I grew up in a very legalistic church, but the older I get and the more involved I am in the day-to-day ministry of America's KESWICK, I praise God for the foundational truths that I learned as a child. We are free in Christ and not bound to so much of the legalism that many of us have grown up with. The grace of God is a huge thing for us to grasp. However, we need to be certain that what we do lines up with the Word of God.

Many years ago, Bible teacher Gabriel Otero, presented a message at America's KESWICK on this topic. Ken Brown, our former Director of Maintenance, would often share this message with the men of the Colony when he taught on our freedom's in Christ. The title of the message was "WHAT I WANT, I DO!" Pastor Otero suggests that we put everything in question to the following five tests. Check out the references:

1. Maturity Test -- 1 Corinthians 6:12 -- All things are lawful to me BUT do you control it or does it control you? (TV/Computer/Overeating/smoking/coffee ... just a few examples)

2. Temple Test -- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 -- What it this thing I'm going to do "going to do" to the temple of God?

3. Brotherly Test -- 1 Corinthians 8:13 -- What effect does this thing I do have on my brother's life?

4. Gospel Test -- 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 -- How will it affect the furtherance of the Gospel whatever it is I want to do?

5. Glorification Test -- 1 Corinthians 10:31 -- Would people be able to say good things about God because of what I'm doing?

Good test to take when you are considering those areas of Christian liberty. Take the test and see if that area passes the test. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 100-102; Proverbs 18; 1 Corinthians 1

Great Quote: In what can I hope, then, or in whom ought I trust, save only in the great mercy of God and the hope of heavenly grace? For though I have with me good people, devout brethren, faithful friends, holy books, beautiful treatises, sweet songs and hymns, all these help and please but little when I am abandoned by grace and left to my poverty. At such times there is no better remedy than patience and resignation of self to the will of God. -- Thomas a Kempis

Join us by way of the internet today for our 9:30 AM session with Dr. Roger Willmore and 7:00 PM with Dr Bob Alderman. To join the webcast, visit

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