Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Sand Pile of an Unjudged Life (Part 2)


"...then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:5)

The mistaken idea that "we are not to judge" comes from a misunderstanding and a misapplication of the teaching of Christ in Matthew 7:1 - "Judge not that you be not judged."

Understood in its proper context Christ tells me not to judge if I desire not to be judged, for with what judgment I do judge I shall be judged. In another part of this brief series on "The Sand Pile of An Unjudged Life" we shall look at the proper way to judge, but for now we take another look at the value of the judged life.

And here is a major question. Who among us does not desire to be judged? To repeat my own testimony from Part One, I desire, need and cherish such proper judgment from others. When I am so judged by others they are showing an incredible love for my life.

Not to be under such scrutiny by my family and friends would be far worse than swimming in a sea of destructive germs without the protection of scientific and medical assistance. When I see my doctor I want him to observe, judge and help me eliminate every threat to my physical well-being. How much more should I desire the judgment of those germs that will destroy my spiritual life, my witness, and my effectiveness as a servant of my Lord?

I shall forever be thankful for my Mother's constant judgment of my improper use of the English language, and of my Father's constant judgment of my use of indecent language. They faithfully judged me and I am better prepared for life because of it.

We admire the athlete who employs the finest coach to judge the weaknesses and the strengths that hinder or help the athlete become the champion.

May I ask why we Christians have such disdain for being properly judged in our spiritual journey, or why we are so cruel to each other in refusing to assist those whose life is being damaged because we did not "see clearly" and cast out the mote that was destroying them? Dr. Robert L. Alderman is minister-at-large at Shenandoah Baptist Church and is our evening speaker this week at America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 105 -- 106; Proverbs 20; 1 Corinthians 3

Great Quote: Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin-cursed earth have been men and women of prayer.-- Dwight L Moody

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