Monday, August 25, 2008

Faith Building for a Child

Faith Building for a Child

"I love the Lord because He HEARS my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live." Psalm 116:1-2

On Saturday I had my grandson, Tanner, all to myself. We had a blast, but he wore me out! I took Tanner, Zach, Jesslyn and Julia to see the new kids movie, FLY ME TO THE MOON in the morning, and then ran some errands. After emptying my trunk, I reached me my cell phone and it was gone!

I retraced my steps and couldn't find the phone. Tanner and I hopped back in the car and went to the two stores we had gone to after the movie. No phone. I came home and called the movie theater and they had not found the phone and suggested that I call later on in the evening.

Now when I lose something, it will drive me crazy until I find it. I looked at Tanner and said, "We've got to pray and ask the Lord to help us find Pop's phone. I know He hears even these prayers." I fired up a quick prayer for His help and shortly afterwards, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting us to go to the movie theater. As we were driving to the theater, I reminded Tanner of several times when God helped us find things that his Mom had lost -- like a hamster!

We arrived at the theater and after trying to persuade the ticket-taker to let us quickly check the room we were in, she let me go in. Thankfully no one was sitting where we had been seating and the previews were just starting. There I was crawling on my hands and knees, feeling around under the seats ... yuk! Seconds later, my cell phone lit up as a call was coming in. The phone had fallen out of my pocket and dropped two seats away.

Tanner yelled, "Pop, there it is!" What an amazing answer to prayer. Some would say coincidence? What are the "odds" of a cell phone call coming in at that precise moment? I don't think it was coincidence at all. I think it was an awesome God answering the prayers of two of His kids at precisely the right time to build faith into both of our lives. Thank You, Lord, for teaching me again through the eyes of a three-year-old, that you HEAR and ANSWER our prayers. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 119:1-88; Proverbs 25; 1 Corinthians 7:20-40

Great Quote: If He calls you to a kind of service which is according to His will but not according to your taste, you must not go to it with less, rather with more courage and energy than if your taste coincided with His will. The less of self and self-will there is in anything we do, the better. You must not amuse yourself with going from side to side, when duty calls you straight on; nor make difficulties, when the real thing is to get over them. Let your heart be full of courage, and then say, "I shall succeed. Not I, but the grace of God which is with me." -- Francis de Sales

Join us tonight for our live-stream webcast at 7:00 PM. Pastor John Hibbard will be sharing the Word at our Senior's Conference. To watch, visit

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