Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God's Speed

God's Speed
"And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

I write this to the Brethren from the lobby of America's Keswick. Where God speaks to hearts and Bill Welte keeps a close eye on things. Sometimes I get the feeling he is looking at me. But at least he has a smile so I remain encouraged...for the both of us. Just as a side note to you Freedom Fighters, let's keep Brother Bill lifted up in prayer.

You know I wanted to get here is the worst way. My everyday in "Secularland" has really taken a toll on me and I needed a break from it. Things at work for me have really taken some whoop-de-do's. I went from being "Rookie of the Year" to the "Sophomore Slump". Nothing had been going well and quite frankly I was contemplating going back into something easier and familiar.

I have gone from blue jeans and t-shirts to collared shirts and khaki's. And even though I still think in a blue collar framework, I have had to integrate the white collar ideals. Basically meaning I manage the swinging of a hammer. Go figure. Needless to say the adjustment has not been easy and it frustrates me at times. Even on the home front money was getting tight. Gas, milk, bread, and sometimes I think even the very air I breathe costs more.

But just when things are at the point of crying "Abba, Father" He shows up.

Before I got here I was informed that I am being considered for a slight promotion. My bosses would like to see me come off the production floor and into a role that comes along the sales side of things. As far as personal finances are concerned, Jehovah-jireh (the Lord will provide) showed up. And not a moment too soon, I was getting ready to pump gas as a second job.

One of the first things I said when the smoke cleared and all as well was "Santo Padre, we serve a God of the eleventh hour"!! But as my wife pointed out it is us who live in the eleventh hour, God's time is perfect. So on the drive to Keswick I looked backed and said, "It's about the getting through." That was reinforced by two different speakers this week. Yep ...things do happen at Gods speed. Do you wish He would hurry up and get you through this morning? Remember Gods timing is not our timing and that should be enough to get you through whatever it is. -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy. Thanks, Chris. I needed this today.

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 119:89-176; Proverbs 26; 1 Corinthians 8

Great Quote: "We must remember that God will never drag us along the path of true-hearted discipleship. This would greatly lack the moral excellency which characterizes all the ways of God. He does not drag, but draws us along the path which leads to ineffable blessedness in Himself; and if we do see that it is for our real advantage to break through all the barriers of nature, in order to respond to Gods' call, we forsake our own mercies. But alas! our hearts little enter into this. We begin to calculate about the sacrifices, the hindrances, and the difficulties, instead of bounding along the path, in eagerness of soul, as knowing and loving the One whose call has sounded in our ears". C H Macintosh, Notes on Deuteronomy

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