Sunday, August 24, 2008

Learning from the Leaders -- Daniel's Friends

Learning from the Leaders-Daniel's Friends

Daniel didn't train alone for service in the King's palace. Three of his Hebrew friends joined him and shared his commitment to the God of Israel. They, too, chose not to defile themselves with the king's food. Also like Daniel, these three young men experienced God's blessing and rose to high levels in the king's government.

They had something else in common with Daniel. Some of the king's wise men were out to get them. Even though they were of sterling character, their rise to prominence made others in the king's court jealous. And, jealousy can bring out the worst in any of us.

Instead of a lion's den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego faced the fiery furnace. The king built an image of himself-a BIG image-and declared that everyone had to bow down to it when the music began playing. Almost everyone did. Three guys from Israel chose not to bow down. It could have cost them their lives.

So, now it is time to pay attention. Here is where we can learn from their experience. Take time to read Daniel 3:9-18. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego show us how to face difficult circumstances. They can lead us through the hard times. We will do well to learn the lessons.

Like Daniel, their "colleagues" tattled on them to the king. When the king found out they were not bowing down to his image, he was angry . . . really angry! Even in his anger, he gave them one more chance to bow down to the image. In their response to that one more chance, we learn the first lesson. That lesson is one for the ages. Simply put, they teach us that the crisis reveals our character, not the other way around.

These three young men did not even have to think about their response. Character forged in their ongoing commitment to God prepared them for this moment. Look at vs. 16. Their answer to a second chance to bow down went something like this. "O King, we really don't have to think about this one. No matter what happens, we won't worship the image."

There is another lesson we can learn from the three Hebrews. It's pretty simple, too. Courage flows out of character. These men were willing to risk their lives. The moment did not produce that kind of courage. It just revealed it. Their continuing commitment to and knowledge of the true and living God developed that kind of courage in each of their hearts.

An old Christian song says, "Dare to Be a Daniel." I suggest that we could dare to be anyone of these four men. Each of them and all of them have lessons to teach us about godly living in difficult situations.

May God help us learn them! One other lesson makes that learning urgent. You almost never learn those kinds of lessons in "the moment." Daniel and the three young Hebrews prepared for their most difficult lessons for years before they arrived. If you and I haven't already prepared, we can begin today! -- John Strain is Senior Pastor First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 113-115; Proverbs 24; 1 Corinthians 6

Great Quote: Temptations and occasions put nothing into a man, but only draw out what was in him before. -- John Owen

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