Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Winning With Encouragement


"So, when they were sent away, they went down to Antioch; and having gathered the congregation together, they delivered the letter. And when they read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement." Acts 15: 30-31

Yesterday I shared with you a devotional written by my friend, Walt Wiley, the President of Winning with Encouragement. Walt LIVES the name of his ministry. He is MR. ENCOURAGEMENT.

On Saturday I received a note from Walt letting me know that even though he was out of the country and in Israel, he was praying for me and my family every day. That little note caused me to rejoice and be encouraged.

While Lindsay was in Children's Hospital, we encouraged people to write notes to the four major doctors who were providing her care. The day before Lindsay went home to be with Jesus, this doctor was chatting with me and during the conversation, he pulled out a pile of notes he had received. He said, "Bill, this is just a few of the hundreds of notes I have received from 'your' people." He was beaming from ear to ear. Another doctor said, in my 25 years of practice, I have never received a note of thanks. I have received hundreds of notes from your friends.

Years ago I wrote a thank you note to the Pastor, that along with my Dad, led me to the Lord. I will never forget his response to my letter. In his 30 years of ministry, mine was the first letter he had ever received thanking him for his ministry.

One little word of encouragement could make the difference in someone's life today. Someone may be dying on the vine, feeling like nobody cares or even gives a rip about them. It could be that YOUR note of encouragement could be the catalyst to bring them back the abyss of despair. Today you could win a battle through a simple word of encouragement, recorded on paper, that I believe could be the "oxygen to the soul" that someone needs today.

Take some time to write to someone who has impacted your life. Then step back and see what God will do in that person's life. Win today with encouragement. -- Bill Welte is President of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Job 36-37; Acts 15:22-41

THINK ABOUT THIS: The proof that you love someone is not that you have warm affectionate feelings toward them. The proof is in your actions, your words and your sacrifice, your willingness to give the best of yourself and your willingness to get nothing in return.-- Katherine Walden

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