Monday, July 07, 2008

Look Who He Called


"Then Jesus said to them, Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men"
Mark 1:17

Shortly after Jesus went public with His reason for being on earth He uttered His first words by announcing the time was here, the kingdom of God was at hand and people needed to repent. Immediately after that He did something rather strange; He called for help. Strange because why would the person who could speak the world into existence ever need help?

Here are a few observations about this story:
Notice who He was talking to: They weren't preachers, teachers, counselors, missionaries, politicians, policemen, and people of wealth or influence. Today I guess we would call them local businessmen. That's interesting!

Notice how He called them: "Follow Me!" He didn't have a deal for them, He wasn't laying a new philosophy on them, and there was no theological debate, just "Follow Me. They did what He asked not because of what He offered but because of who he was. That's cool!

Notice what He said: Did you catch it? He wants them to start working with Him to impact others with the message of salvation He is bringing. But wait a minute, what does a fisherman know about that? Had any of them been trained, how many of them had gone to seminary?

No they hadn't and that is the point; He want to use everyone, even me. That's encouraging!

Notice how they were to do that: He said "I will make you...." You don't become what He was asking without total reliance on Him. He would make them into what He was calling them to. That's a relief!

Notice one other thing: He said "I will make you become...." What He was asking them to do would happen over a period of time. They would spend time with Him, observe Him and in due time they would become what He was asking them to be. That's comforting!

Notice this: No matter who you are, if you know Him He wants to and will gladly use you, yes, even you, and me.-- Walt Wiley is the President of Winning With Encouragement and serves on the Board of Reference of America's KESWICK. He was our speaker for our Memorial Day Weekend Conference. I'd love to send you Walt's two part message of Stewardship. If you'd like to have it, please respond to this email and please include your mailing address.

God's WORD for YOU: Job 34-35; Acts 15:1-21

Think About This: "If we but knew what irreparable damage is often caused by idle gossip, cruel criticisms, wicked exaggerations, or jealous sarcasm, how stunned we would be! On the other hand, if we knew what lovely harvests of blessing often grow from seeds of good, kind, wise words and deeds, how eager should we be to sow only the good seed!" -- Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter

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