Wednesday, July 09, 2008



"I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." Isaiah 48:10

Last week I sent out an email about being overwhelmed and worn down. Remember? It was one of those kick in the pants moments for me. I needed to be reminded that the enemy hates praise.

Yesterday was one of those moments where it just seemed like things went from bad to worse. While I certainly am not facing the horrific stuff that dear old Job went through with losing his possessions, family and health within hours, it seemed like in my little world, everything was going from bad to worse. Equipment breakdowns when money is so tight. Summer conference numbers low and you can advertise because money is tight. People at each other. Pastor Bill's life is still hanging in the balances. Losing him, if God is going to take him, is like losing my Dad all over again, and on the heals of Lindsay's home-going, it hurts.

I guess if I am honest, I was falling right back into the trap of "stinkin' thinkin'" Then God spoke to my heart again this morning as I spent time in His presence. Here were the words from STREAMS IN THE DESERT (Zondervan) that spoke to my heart today:

"Doesn't God's Word come to us like a soft rain shower, dispelling the fury of the flames? Isn't it like fireproof armor, against which the heat is powerless? Then let the afflictions come, for God has CHOSEN me. Poverty, you may walk through my door, but God is already in my house, and He has CHOSEN me. Sickness, you may intrude my life, but I have a cure standing ready -- God has CHOSEN me. Whatever occurs in the valley of tears, I know He has CHOSEN me.

Dear brother and sister, do not be afraid, for Jesus is with you. Through all your fiery trials, HIS presence is both your comfort and safety. HE will NEVER forsake those He has CHOSEN for His own. 'Do not be afraid, for I am with you' (Genesis 26:24) is His unfailing word of promise to His CHOSEN ones who are experiencing "the furnace of affliction ... The burden of suffering seems to be a tombstone hung around our necks. Yet in reality it is simply the weight necessary to hold the diver down while he is searching for pearls."

Thanks, Lord, for speaking to my heart. I will also be praying for my Freedom Fighter brothers who may be experiencing tough times. Let me know what is happening in your lives and I will add you to my prayer list, guys. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Job 38-40; Acts 16:

Think About This: There is a big difference between mishearing and hearing only what we want to hear, right? We, the people of God, seem to have chronic 'itching ears,' and we can usually find somebody to scratch till we say 'Aaahh' (2 Tim. 4:3). Given the option, we will usually choose bigger barns to serve ourselves over bigger hearts to serve others (Luke 12:13-21)." Scotty Smith

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