Tuesday, May 06, 2008

What Will Flow Out of Your Heart

What Will Flow From Your Heart

Matthew 12:34b "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."

"In the world ye shall have tribulation." (John 16:33) What shall flow from the abundance of your heart then? Will you still praise His Holy Name? Will you shout to the Lord of heaven and earth and proclaim His majesty? Will He still be the King of Kings and Lord of your life? In your greatest struggles will you still find peace in the God of Comfort?
Many of us become self-reliant in these situations. We become so consumed in the moment, we forget to acknowledge the One who sustains us, Jesus Christ!

Unfortunately, it is during these exact times that our true characters are revealed, that our mouths speak what our hearts feel. God does not only hear what we say during Sunday morning church service or during our times in the green pastures. He listens during our most agonizing trials and tribulations. What will your heart say then? What unspeakable evil will precede out of your mouth?

During the scorching of the refining fire will you bring Him glory and speak of His goodness. Will you proclaim His Lordship then? In our own strength it is impossible, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13). God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Look upward to your Heavenly Father and recognize His purity and Holiness. He is the sustainer of your life! Then amidst the turmoil of life you will recognize Him for who is, and your soul will yearn and longeth after Him (Psalm 42:1). Your mouth will sing His praises because your heart will be filled with the abundance of His love and grace and His never ending faithfulness. - Ed Mayo recently graduated from the Colony of Mercy and is now in the Discipleship program. His counselor, Chris Connor's (Director of Housekeeping) submitted this devotional from Ed's journal and thought it would be an encouragement to the Freedom Fighter men!

God's WORD for YOU: 1 Kings 21-22; Luke 23:26-56

Think About This: Bitterness is a habit that can seriously hinder our spiritual journey.

When life becomes difficult, when it doesn't seem as if God is providing for our needs, when we're not getting what we want when we want it, we have a decision to make. We can hold onto our faith and trust that God has an answer in mind, or we can gripe and moan and complain and let our souls become embittered. Expecting an oasis, but finding a bitter stream? Don't lose sight of the grace of God. - (Beside A Quiet Stream) Penelope J. Stokes

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