Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Take Me Out to His Ballgame

Take Me Out to His Ballgame. Part One

"For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end" Hebrews 3:14

The baseball diamond can cause many men to toss dignity and integrity out the window. It is the third game of our little league season and we have an umpire who has been calling low pitched balls, strikes. The umpire serves as a Eucharist Minister at St. Vincent de Paul, the local Catholic Church here in downtown Mays Landing, New Jersey. He is also a friend of mine.

In the dugout there are three bewildered coaches. One of us is just doing the score card with a sign once in a while. And no brothers this one is not me. One of us is a cussin' and a fussin'... Well brothers this used to be me but not for quite some time. No, I'm the one who between innings is just trying to encourage a team who has become just as bewildered as the coaches. This was not turning out to be a good night. Low Ball...strike, again. What?

Long story short, our head coach (the one cussin' and fussin') reamed these young men out. "Ya gotta swing at the ball guys. The ump is gonna call anything a strike if you don't swing at the ball." "Don't you guys wanna win?"No words of encouragement. And prior to the game I have just been told that I may have to umpire behind the plate the next game which is on a Saturday morning. T'was a long night brothers.

"Heavenly Father I only ask for rain...please?" was my prayer before going to sleep. I stilled heard my wife's words as I fell to sleep..."He didn't have to yell at those boys on the field, he could have done that at practice and not in front of everyone." She was right. Now for my moment to sigh. But fear not and neither be dismayed for the next morning The Lord showed up in a big way. I'll share more tomorrow. - Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Kings 1-3; Luke 24:1-35

Think About This: The light of heaven is the face of Jesus Christ; the joy of heaven is the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ; the melody of heaven is the name of Jesus Christ. The theme of heaven is the work of Jesus Christ. The employment of heaven is the work of Jesus Christ. The fullness of heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ, himself. Anonymous

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