Thursday, May 08, 2008

Take Me Out to His Ball Game (Part 2)

Take Me Out to His Ballgame. Part Two

"For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end." Hebrews 3:14

Now I have resolved myself to the fact the God wants' me to go behind the plate and call the game. That's right brothers there was no rain falling and no rain coming. Oh well, Jesus this wouldn't be the first time you have taken me out of my comfort zone to bring me through something. Just as a side note...I do not like to umpire but that's a different Freedom Fighter.

Anyway the phone rings fifteen minutes before I have to leave and it is the team's heads coach and he is relieving me of my umpiring duties.
"Chris, I know you're uncomfortable with it." he says. "Your right." I say. And then we both talk about the night before. He was more than willing to dish out what we got the night before. "C'mon, you don't want to comprise your integrity" was what I said in response. He agreed and I went to Wal-mart with my wife and daughter. Just another side note...I am no fan of Wal-mart.

Before I can get into Wal-mart I run into a brother from the Colony. We are both hopeful about the upcoming reunion and we have just figured out we have someone in common. The head coach of the baseball team. And later on in the week I run into this brother again. And in this same week someone who I work with, who I would have never thought would come to Christ, has asked me to get him on the road to find the peace I have with our risen Savior.

Here is what I am trying to convey Brother's. Do not waiver from the truth that you have in Jesus. Do what is just and righteous even if you are out of your comfort zone and don't like it. There will come a time when you are face to face to the Creator and he will ask you "What did you do with Jesus?" It could happen at Wal-mart or on the baseball diamond but when God puts His purpose for you in front of you, Be Steadfast...Do not waiver!!

This quote is from chapter four in "Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice" by Dallas Willard & Jan Johnson. "This weight of trying to be good is an unnecessary load because the way to God is the way of all-encompassing inner transformation. God will work in us (see Phil 1:6). We have a part in cooperating with God, which is what we'll explore in this book. But even then, we must not make it our project. We need to ask God to show us the next small steps and how to take them." - Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Kings 4-6; Luke 24:36-53

Think about this: Man still retains within himself the need to love a perfect object that will never disappoint him and to be himself loved totally and unconditionally. These needs can be met only in a relationship with God Himself. Otherwise, we go on demanding unattainable absolutes from human beings. Tom Marshall

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