Monday, May 05, 2008

Don't Let the Song Go Out of Your Heart


"As they began to sing praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men ..
who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." 2 Chronicles 20:22

If you want to do a fascinating study sometime, take your concordance and trace the word sing throughout the Scriptures. You will be amazed at how singing is used in a variety of singing. In the Old Testament singing is often used before the men of Israel went out into battle - certainly a non-conventional method in warfare!

A FREEDOM FIGHTER is one who has a new song in his heart (Psalm 40:3), and the song we have in our hearts is tied in with our being thankful (Colossians 3:16).

We knew a dear man who served the Lord for many years. As he was approaching 100, he would have difficulty sleeping at night. When he couldn't sleep, rather than worry and fret, he would sing hymns and choruses that he had committed to memory over the years.

I read this today in STREAMS IN THE DESERT: "Of, if only we would worry less about our problems and sing and praise more! There are thousands of things that shackle us that could be turned into instruments of music, if we just knew how to do it.

Think of those people who ponder, meditate, and weigh the affairs of life, and who continually study the mysterious inner workings of God's providence wondering why they suffer burdens and are opposed and battled on every front. How different their lives would be, and how much more joyful, if they would stop indulging in self-centered and inward thinking and instead would daily lift their experiences to God, praising Him for them.

It is easier to sing your worries away then to reason them away. Why not sing in the morning? Think of the birds - they are the first to sing each day, and they have fewer worries than anything else in creation.
And don't forget to sing in the evening, which is what the robins do when they have finished their daily work. Once they have flown their last flight of the day and gathered the last bite of food, they find a treetop from which to sing a song of praise.

Oh, that we might sing morning and evening, offering up song after song of continual praise throughout our day!"

So guys - how's your singing today? Don't just sing in the shower. Let the music flow and don't let the song go out of your heart today because real men sing! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: 1 Kings 19-20; Luke 23:1-25

Think about this: Anxiety is the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God and His will for us. Billy Graham

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