Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Full Coverage

Full Coverage

"Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him." (Romans 4:7-8)

Most of the time when the Lord shows me something that I need to share, He does it through an experience. About a month ago, I had taken a trip into New York to meet my brother, whom I have not seen in about four years, at the airport. My wife was at a woman's retreat and I was home alone. So I decided to meet my brother, spend some time with the family, and then come back to New Jersey because I had a commitment at my church the next morning.

Needless to say the time went well. I spent time with my family and we shared a meal together. By the time that was all done it was about 10:30 pm and I had been going all day. Now I had a full stomach and I had to make my way back to the pinelands.

My drive is about an hour and thirty minutes or so... I have to admit that I was not really up to the drive and I was tired. My sister asked me to call as soon as I got back because she knew I was tired.

Fast forward...

I was falling asleep behind the wheel when I was awakened by a loud "crack", I didn't know what it was but I dosed no more. I came to find out the next day that my windshield was cracked. I never noticed it until I picked my wife up later that afternoon. Past experienced told me that this was going to be an expense I could not afford. I made several phone calls to inquire about windshield replacement and spoke to several people. I could not afford to get it replaced, be it needed replacing.

But GOD!!! The Lord used one of my colleagues to ask me a simple question, " Did you call your insurance?" Of course, not! The deductible is more than the glass was my reply, based on past experience. But it would not leave my mind. I came home and called my insurance and found out that I was fully covered with no deductible.

Then God said, "That is just how you are, fully covered and most times unaware."

Beloved, if you are a child of the most High God, know that your sins are covered and the Lord will never count it against you. -- Chaplain Robert is a graduate of the colony of mercy. He serves as Chaplain, Director of Aftercare, and Discipleship coordinator at America's Keswick. He is a husband, father, and friend.

God's Word for YOU: 2 Kings 19-21; John 4:1-30

Think About This: "Postponed obedience can never bring us the full blessing God intended or what it would have brought had we obeyed at the earliest possible moment." - Streams in the Desert

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