Saturday, March 22, 2008



This is the "in-between" day. Good Friday is gone. Resurrection Sunday is not yet. It's still a good day to think about Jesus. Allow me to direct your attention to Philippians 2:5-8. It's a familiar writing from the Apostle Paul and good for us to consider on this "in-between"day.

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" Paul says.
What kind of mind did Jesus have? Paul tells us. Jesus left Heaven to become like us. He humbled Himself and became a man like us. He chose the role of a servant even though He was a king. He chose the most humiliating kind of death even though He was the giver of life. He thought of others rather than Himself.

Jesus told us that He came to serve, not to be served. That was His mindset. And Paul tells us we should share Jesus' thinking. This "in-between" day is a good day for us to think about servanthood, humility and death to ourselves. It's a good day to think about the mind of Christ and the pursuit of that mind for our own lives.

We spent yesterday thinking about Jesus' death on the cross; it was a reflection of His mind, His thinking. We'll spend tomorrow thinking of His resurrection and the power it brings to our lives. We could not celebrate tomorrow without yesterday. Yesterday could not have happened without this one who was "equal with God" making Himself of "no reputation" and becoming "obedient to the point of death."

I wonder what things we could accomplish for the kingdom if we chose servanthood over reputation. What might God do with us if we were as willing as Jesus to endure our cross? Who might come to Christ if we chose to serve instead of demanding service?

Lord Jesus, by Your grace, bring us to the place where we want Your mind more than our own. Help us choose Your way, rather than our way. Give us humble, servant hearts. On this "in-between" day and every other day, allow us to live out "the mind of Christ." Amen - Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor

Today's Scripture: Joshua 10-12; Luke 1:39-56

Great Quote: "Study the Cross for no other sake than God's sake, and you will be holy without knowing it." -Oswald Chambers

Join us tonight for the KESWICK CELEBRATION CHOIR as they present "IT TOOK A MIRACLE!" 135-voice choir for churches all over the tri-state area. 7:00 PM in the Activity Center.

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