Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Power of the Resurrection


Christ the Lord is risen! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

The Power of the Resurrection

This is Resurrection Sunday. It's the day we celebrate the empty tomb and honor our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This single event, Jesus' resurrection, separates Christianity from ever other world religion. The fact that Jesus lives brings to Christianity a hope that no other faith system offers. Praise God for the empty tomb!

But what difference does the resurrection make in your life and mine?
Just knowing the facts of the resurrection won't change our lives or make us more like Jesus. Yesterday we thought about the Apostle Paul's words in Philippians 2. Remember "Let this mind be in you . . .?" They are important words for those of us who follow Jesus.

But other words in Paul's letter to Philippi bring us from yesterdays "in between" time to "real" time. Hear what he says in Philippians 3:10, ". . . that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. . . ." Within the context of those words (see vss. 1-11), the apostle helps us understand that nothing was more important to him than knowing the power Jesus' resurrection brings to those who follow Him.

Each one of us who choose to be Freedom Fighters understand the challenges that fighting for freedom bring to our lives. Most of us have learned that we can fight for freedom in our own strength. The resurrection of Jesus Christ puts us on notice. We don't have to fight on our own! Jesus rose from the grave to provide us with power beyond anything our own resources might provide. Paul understood that. Nothing he had was worth holding onto if it would prevent him from living in resurrection power.

He also understood that "the fellowship of [Jesus] suffering" when with His resurrection power. That's why "Let this mind be in you. . . ."
from yesterday is so important. We can know Jesus' power, but only if we live willing to endure His sufferings. As I once read somewhere, "We can't have the crown (power) without the cross (suffering)."

I urge you to join other Freedom Fighters who are hungry to know Jesus'
resurrection power. Identify those things which hinder knowing Jesus'
power in your life. Come to the conclusion that nothing is more important or more valuable than living in resurrection power. Jesus died on Good Friday so you could know resurrection power today! Don't live another day without it. It's priceless!

Have a blessed Resurrection Day. - Pastor John Strain is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor.
Today's Scripture: Joshua 13-15; Luke 1:57-80The Watergate cover-up reveals the true nature of humanity. Even political zealots at the pinnacle of power will, in the crunch, save their own necks, even at the expense of the ones they profess to serve so loyally. But the apostles could not deny Jesus because they had seen Him face to face, and they knew He had risen from the dead. No, you can take it from an expert in cover-ups -- I've lived through Watergate -- that nothing less than a resurrected Christ could have caused those men to maintain to their dying whispers that Jesus is alive and is Lord. Two thousand years later, nothing less than the power of the risen Christ could inspire Christians around the world to remain faithful -- despite prison, torture, and death.

Charles (Chuck) Colson

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