Friday, March 21, 2008

The Heart of the Cross


And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, "The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth." Exodus 34:6

Dr. Charles Stanley shares some powerful thoughts about the heart of the cross in his daily devotional, PATHWAYS TO HIS PRESENCE:

"Could not God have come up with a better idea for the salvation of man than the Cross? This question is sometimes posed during debates regarding the purpose for the brutal punishment Jesus endured at Golgotha.

Yet, apart from our human understanding, and in His infinite wisdom, God had a perfect plan for the Cross. The circumstances of the day were never out of His control or in conflict with His will. Instead, the Cross revealed WHO God is and WHAT He is like - compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.
(Exodus 34:6)

The Cross exposed Satan for what he is and, at the same time, took away his power. Though Satan's final defeat will occur at the end of time, the Cross invalidated the need for physical payment for sin for those who would accept Christ's ultimate atoning sacrifice made for all.

Finally, the Cross unveiled a new covenant relationship with God, which gives all people the opportunity to experience eternity through Jesus Christ. Matthew 27:51 tells us that at the moment of Christ's death, the temple veil, (which allowed only high priests access to God) was torn in half from top to bottom. This act signified the beginning of a new type of access to God through Jesus Christ, our Intercessor. Was God's perfect will carried out at the Cross? Even in death, His love was demonstrated to the world He created to receive His blessings."

Take time to day to reflect on the what Jesus did for YOU on the Cross of Calvary.

Today's Scripture: Joshua 7-9; Luke 1:21-38

Great Quote: Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.

Watchman Nee

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