Saturday, March 01, 2008

The If Then Concept

"The If-Then Concept

We often think of consequences in negative terms. We think of consequences as the outcome of some wrong we've done. I want to take you back to Proverbs for a couple of weeks as we think about consequences in a different way. The book clearly teaches us that negative behaviors bring negative consequences. It also teaches what I call the "If-Then Concept" of positive choices and positive outcomes.

All of life is about choices. As Freedom Fighters, we understand the importance of wise, godly choices in our lives. We also understand that unwise and ungodly choices take us places we don't want to go, keep us longer than we want to stay and cost more than we want to pay. Bill Welte had several goals when he started this email ministry. Helping men like you and me make wise, godly choices was high on the goal list.

So, let's think about the "If-Then Concept" from the second chapter of Proverbs. Verse one begins with these words: "My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you . . . ." Most of you know the importance of God's Word. You've received instruction about the need for God's Word to take root in your souls. You know about hiding God's Word in your heart. This is not new news for most of us.

Solomon comes at it from a different angle. By using the "if" word, Solomon lets his son know that he has choices. He can choose not to receive his father's words. He can choose not to treasure the commands.
Another road awaits him. Proverbs calls it the way of folly or foolishness. The son can choose that road. In other places in Proverbs, Solomon will let his son know the consequences of traveling down Foolishness Boulevard.

Solomon's son needs to know about another way, however. His father wants him to know the positive consequences of walking down Wisdom Way.
Everything a father wants for his son rests on that one little word--IF.
IF he chooses Wisdom way, THEN really good things await him. Verses 1-4 continue the IF part of the instruction.

Drop down to verse 5 to get the THEN part of the instruction. "Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God."
He concludes the THEN section in verse 9: "Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path." Those "consequences" of receiving words of wisdom protect us from everything that occurs on Foolishness Boulevard.

Each of us needs to think about the "If-Then Concept" and the choices it demands of us. The "If-Then" of Proverbs 2 protects us from danger and empowers us to live life without regret, shame or failure. That seems like a no-brainer kind of choice to me. What about you? - Pastor John Strain is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor

Great quote: The death of Christ on the cross was no imitation death or charade. It is presented to us by the Gospel writers because they want us to face death, to confront it - so that we will be prepared for real Life! The Hebrews when they were in Egypt were saved from the angel of death and destruction by marking the door-posts of their houses with the blood of a lamb, so we are marked with the life-giving sign of the cross, stained with the blood of the Lamb of God. The Cross then is the victory sign of every Christian. It is the powerful and defiant banner under which we journey to the safety of our proper homeland, for death has been conquered and Christ has destroyed its fear through the Cross. David Charlesworth

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