Friday, February 29, 2008

The Real Deal


"I will walk within my own house in the integrity of my heart." Psalm 101:2b

Yesterday we looked at 11 characteristics of a God-pleaser vs. being a people pleaser, and I told you I wanted to zero in today on No. #7 of the list (if you didn't see yesterday's, you can go to

No. 7 - A God pleaser is so concerned about fulfilling not only his PUBLIC duties but also his private ones.

Did you ever hear this comment about someone? "He's the real deal!" or "With him, what you see is what you get."

During my 18 years in conference ministry, I have interacted with many Christian speakers and musicians. The ones that have impacted me the most are the ones that are off stage what they are on stage. In my estimation, they are the REAL DEAL.

One man in particular stands out in my mind. He is a very well known Bible teacher with many published books. On the platform, his "stage"
presence captivates his audience. But once off the platform, he is rude and obnoxious and very demanding. What he preaches on the stage doesn't appear to line up with his behavior off the stage.

Lou Prilio in his book "PLEASING PEOPLE" has some interesting observations that are worth noting: "The person who love's GOD'S approval does not put all of his spiritual energies into doing public duties (corporate worship, teaching, Sunday School, Bible studies, evangelistic outreach, showing hospitality, etc.). He budgets his time so as to discharge his PRIVATE obligations as well.

Behind closed doors, he worships God, thanking Him for who He is and all He has done. He confesses His sin to God, and repents of it. He agonizes in intercessory prayer. He gives of his money and material possessions in secret (if not anonymously). When he fasts, he does so in a way that no one will know what he's up to.

He prepares his heart for worship BEFORE he goes to church. He reads and studies his Bible regularly. He meditates on Scripture. He cooperates with the Holy Spirit in the sanctification process. He cares for his soul and for the souls of those whom he is responsible. And if anyone tries to pressure him into additional public service, he will not accept it if, in his heart, he knows it will keep him from fulfilling his private obligations.

Moreover, he behaves in an upright way when he is in his own home. He flees temptation, resists the devil, and controls his temper and appetites when no one is around just as he does when people are looking."

Wow! Is this the testimony of our live, brothers? May it ever be so. May we be men who "walk within our house in the integrity of our hearts!"
Psalm 101:2b. -- Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and general editor and writer for Freedom Fighters.

Great Quote: "People-pleasers may become such slaves in at least two ways. First, the intense desire for man's praise and approbation puts them in bondage to man by tempting them to make decisions based on what OTHERS will think rather than on what GOD will think of them." - Lou Prilio

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