Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Intensity of "IF" in the "If -- Then Concept"

The Intensity of "IF" in the "If--Then Concept"

People who struggle with addictions discover the passion that a substance or attraction can create. People like us who know the power of addictions can get really passionate about then next hit, or the next drink, or the next chat session. I often wonder why men like us don't seem to get so passionate about our walk with Jesus.

The Wisdom Writer tried to convey the importance of passion when talking to his son about walking on Wisdom Way instead of Foolishness Boulevard.
Take another look at Proverbs 2:1-9. Notice the progression of passion in the little "IF" word that shows up in verses one, three and four. "If you receive my words," is not so intense. Then the father says, "if you cry out our understanding." Crying involves passion. In the context of this chapter, the son needs to cry out for that which he doesn't have but desperately needs. It requires passion.

Then, the father increases the level of passion. In verse four he encourages his son with these words: "If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures." Something of great value awaits the son who searches. He is to pursue the components of wisdom as though he were looking for hidden treasure. That kind of search requires passion.

Most of us have walked down Foolish Boulevard for one reason or another.
We were passionate about the issue that put us on that road. For some who read Freedom Fighter, it took a major catastrophe to get you off the road to destruction. We remember the passion, though. We remember the attraction and the power it held in our lives.

God offers us that which is of far greater value. Nothing we've given our lives for has the same power God brings to us in the person of Jesus Christ. He offers forgiveness, healing, wholeness and transformation. He, and only He, can make us brand new creations. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The Ephesian church, according to John's Revelation, lost its passion.
It lost that first love that came when they first knew Jesus. They became just "lukewarm." I suggest that they became "passionless." How passionate are you about living on Wisdom Way? How passionately do you pursue the "IF" of Proverbs 2? How intense is your commitment to the pursuit of Jesus and His plan for your life?

Consider these questions during the week ahead:

1. Do I receive God's Word and welcome it into my life?

2. Do I cry out for God's teaching and wisdom in my life?

3. Do I search for God's work and will in my life as though it
were hidden treasure?

4. Do I want Jesus in my life more passionately than I want
anything else? If not, why not?

Pastor John Strain is our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor and is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

Great quote: Proud people are often so focused on the external sins in others that they can't see the attitudes that generate the external sins that they hold in contempt. They spend most of their time trying to put out small fires of sin on the surface of their lives while being totally unaware that there are shrewd and significant arsonists in their hearts setting new fires faster than the existing ones can be extinguished. - Lou Priolio

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