Tuesday, January 15, 2008



For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, God is ready to help you right now.
Today is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2

I am really not quite sure how many people receive Freedom Fighters on a daily basis. We have the actual number of men who we know get it from our list, but last week I received a comment from a friend in Texas who received one as a forward.

All that to say, while I know many of you, there are many of you that I have never met. Believe it or not, there are some things that we all have in common.

One thing that we have in common is TODAY! Most of us had a yesterday, and right now we have today. There are no guarantees for tomorrow.

One of the topics I read about is time management. Because my schedule is always full, I am always looking for ways to better manage my time.
Each one of us has the same amount of time in a given day - the same number of available hours and minutes. HOW we use our time and WHAT we do with it is important because once a day is done, it is gone.

Take an interesting journey and use your concordance to look at what the Bible says about the word "day" and "today." You can use a great concordance tool on the computer - visit www.crosswalk.com)

The most important thing you need to know about today is that if you have never come to the place of trusting in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, TODAY is the day of salvation. Most of us are procrastinators in some area of our lives. We find ourselves saying, "I'll do that tomorrow!"

Well my friend, Ralph Carmichael, now 83, wrote a musical many years ago called "Tell It Like It Is" and one of the songs says, "Yesterday has come and gone - sorry about that! Tomorrow may never come - sorry about that!"

If you are reading today's Freedom Fighter and you have not experienced the joy of salvation - God's free gift offered through Jesus Christ - I beg you - consider this - TODAY is the day of salvation. I'd love to share how you can KNOW that you are a part of God's forever family, not just for eternity, but TODAY! Drop me a line if you need help. Your decision TODAY will affect everyone of your TOMORROWS or as someone else said - "Your decision today will determine your destiny!"

Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and is the editor of Freedom Fighters.

Great Quote: Before we look at how we make Jesus Lord, we need to see what it is we mean when we talk about lordship. To make Jesus Lord of our life means to surrender control of every area of our life to Him. We come under His authority. His authority is supreme over our authority.
We start taking orders from Him - we do what He tells us to do. That's what lordship is -- Christ reigning as supreme authority over our life.
Making Jesus Lord of our life is not something passive. It's not a state of being, it's a state of doing. Those whom Jesus recognizes as His own are those who do the will of His Father in heaven. Keith Green

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