Monday, January 14, 2008



" ... looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ ..." Titus 2:13

I can't believe that in just a few weeks we will have the opportunity to see our fifth grandson for the very first time. It seems like years since Julie and Garrett announced that she was pregnant ... well for someone with my personality, nine months seems like years!

During these nine months of preparation we heard that he was coming in the month of February. The doctors were able to calculate and predict the approximate date for his coming, but up until last week, there was no actual day set for his coming - we just knew it was imminent!

There has been much preparation for his coming. One of the rooms was prepared for Caleb (yeah, we know his name!) with fresh paint, new crib, clothes and curtains. It is a time of great anticipation and expectation. As the countdown continues, it is getting really exciting.

That is how it should be for us. The Lord is coming back again. We don't know the "time or the season, "the day or the hour," but we do know this
- we need to be ready for his imminent return.

Growing up we would have a prophecy week at our church and most of the teens would dread it. We'd hear all these horrible things about the rapture and the tribulation, and for teens whose whole lives are before them - well, the thought of "looking for the blessed hope" was not something on the radar screen.

Maybe it is something that happens when you get older - or maybe it has to do with where are world is - but I find myself saying, "Maybe today, Lord?" or even echo the words of John, the author of Revelation, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

Are you "looking for that blessed hope?" I can't tell you WHEN it will be, but I can tell you this - it is closer today than it was yesterday!
Anticipating His return should impact how we live today! Think about it!

Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK, home of America's oldest residential addiction recovery center for men - the Colony of Mercy. (

Great Quote: "If you woke up this morning and you are still here - God obviously still has a plan for your life!" - Dr. Adrian Rogers

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