Wednesday, January 16, 2008



"Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Monday I wrote about ANTICIPATION. Yesterday we talked about the word TODAY. Today I'd like to dialog about the word YESTERDAY ... I know - I am backwards ... sorry!

I have often heard messages on Paul's instructions "forgetting those things which are behind ..." and while there is great value in forgetting many things about our lives in the past, there is a certain sense where it is good for us to REMEMBER what God has done for us.
Pastor Jim Cymbala says that some of us "remember what we should forget, and forget what we should remember."

For a man or woman struggling in addiction, they need to forget about their past life of sin. They need to stop dwelling on those things that remind them of the places where they should not be - people they should not be hanging around with . It's that old illustration of don't think about pink elephants. Seriously, don't even allow your mind to drift into thinking about pink elephants. And I bet right now you are thinking about pink elephants.

Some of us remember past hurts that have taken place 10, 15, 20 years ago. It's time to forget those and remember the what God has done for us in the past. That's what the children of Israel did throughout the Old Testament. How many times have your read chapters where they are rehearsing how God brought them out of Egypt (bondage) and retraced the goodness of God in their lives.

In this passage in 1 Samuel 7, the ark has been returned to the Israelites and the Philistines are defeated after the people cry out to God with Samuel, repent of their sin, and take God at His Word. Samuel takes a stone and sets it up as a reminder to the people of what God has done for them. He calls the stone "Ebenezer" - which literally means "THUS FAR THE LORD HAS HELPED US."

Are you in the pits having a pity party and you are the only invited guest? Then I recommend to you that you take some time to reflect, rehearse, recount the hundreds, maybe even thousands of ways that the Lord helped you during your brief time on this planet. Think of the Ebenezer's that could be put in place - stones of remembrance - that point back to God's goodness even in the midst of difficult circumstance. It's a good exercise, my brother, and one that will be a blessing in your life!

I shared a message from this passage for our January Super Senior Day.
If you'd like a copy, respond to this email and I will send you a copy of the message on CD.

Great Quote: A church that sets out to win over the world is tempted to divest itself of everything that might offend the world, to promise forgiveness without confession and renewal without repentance. It markets joy without awe and love without accountability for justice.
Some compromise is inevitable, but a congregation needs to be aware of the point at which its compromises begin it serve itself more than God.
-- Daniel Frankforter

Want to dig deeper into God's Word? Why not join us for our winter semester of the KESWICK INSTITUTE OF BIBLICAL STUDIES. Check out the full color brochure on our website: or call Lynne Jahns today for information: 732-350-1187.

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