Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Man Who Modeled Encouragement


Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints. Philemon 1:7

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending the memorial service for a dear friend of America's KESWICK, Robert Westcott, affectionately known to all of us as Bob. I have known Bob, and his dear wife, JoAnn, for about seventeen years as they were regular attendees at both Sandy Cove and America's KESWICK.

I learned yesterday that Bob's life was radically transformed after hearing a message at America's KESWICK on the Beatitudes by one of my mentors, Dr. Stephen Olford, who is also with the Lord. That was a special encouragement to me.

Throughout the service there was one common thread about Bob's life that was mentioned again and again - Bob was a man of encouragement. And that he was in so many ways. He loved the Lord, studied and taught the Word, loved his wife and family, and his church. Whatever setting he was in, he was an encourager.

When he came to Keswick, he would sit right up front and just his smile would brighten your day! After the meetings he'd come up and give you a firm handshake and a hug and offer words of encouragement about the music and the preaching of the Word.

These last few years his "tent" has felt the effects of Alzheimer's, but even then, he still was an encourager. Bob and JoAnn loved our hymnsings and even though he may not have remembered WHO I was, when I would approach his table he'd grab my hand and say, "Good show today, boy - good show!"

Bob is in heaven enjoying the presence of His Savior. He leaves for me and many others a wonderful legacy - a legacy of encouraging others and "refreshing the hearts of the saints." Are you an encourager this morning? Could it be said of you - " _____ was an man of encouragement.
Oh how he refreshed the hearts of the saints!" Let's purpose together to be men of encouragement. - Bill Welte

Bill is the President & CEO of America's KESWICK and the General Editor and Writer of the daily email ministry, FREEDOM FIGHTERS.

Great quote: Faith, mighty faith the promise sees and rests on that
alone: laughs at impossibilities, and says it shall be done. Charles Wesley

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