Thursday, January 24, 2008



He Lifted My Veil

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." II Corinthians 3:18

When I was training for and competing in karate tournaments my instructor would put me through intense physical exercise. I would spend day after day working on one move, one block, or one kick. Days sometimes turned into weeks on just one exercise. My instructor saw some potential in me when I was young and because I enjoyed the attention I received from it, I persevered. What I didn't enjoy was the road I had to travel on to achieve victory. I willingly put myself through extreme physical and emotional abuse so I would be more teachable. I would question my instructor on why I had to do the same block or strike over and over again. He told me he could see from my previous fights where I needed to improve. I wanted to work on high flying kicks and one strike knockouts, things that brought the crowd to their feet. He knew from experience that my idea of what I needed to win would not work. I still suffer now from some of the injuries I received then. The bottom line is that I was willing to do whatever it took to bring praise and recognition to myself. I made up my mind that no one was going to stand in my way of getting that gold spray painted plastic trophy. I truly believed that I needed these trophies awarded by man to make up and complete me.

Through Christ's endless grace I now can see how foolish and vain this old way of life was. He lifted my veil. I didn't deserve it or could I ever repay it, but He did it; because He loves me. I could say that I understand but I'd be lying. But in truth I can say that I want to know. The problem is I spent my whole life filling this earthen vessel with disgusting and vile garbage. God made me after His likeness and I corrupted it. I reveled in gluttony, not so much in food, but in my self-sins. Now I ask the Lord to examine me and show me the things that offend Him, to give me the strength to remove the decaying debris.

Once again I find myself on a difficult road in search of reward. But this time the road is well lit and my Instructor is the best traveling Companion a person could have. I no longer desire man's reward but a treasure that is stored away in heaven. I have just begun this journey and know that I can't get there as I am now. I must be transformed, I must submit to His instruction and training. I must learn to trust and obey Him. If I was so willing to be broken by man for my own praise how much more should I be for my Savior's glory. I pray that He puts me through the exercises that will continually transform me into His likeness. To know that He is capable if I am willing is my motivation.
That Jesus will never give up on me and I have eternity with Him to be blessed in transformation, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

"The severest discipline of a Christian's life is to learn how to keep "beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord." - Oswald Chambers

Today's Freedom Fighter was written by Chris Connors, who is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and Director of Housekeeping at America's KESWICK.

Great Quote: To overcome a difficulty in your life: believe in the character of God. He is good; believe in the power of God. He will bring you through; believe in the love of God. He cares for you deeply and He will not abandon you. Frances Ridley Havergal

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