Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Spare No Integrity


"Then the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one
who fears God and shuns evil?" Job 1:8

One of the things I've noticed while working in the secular world is the lack or absence of integrity. I was having a conversation with the head of our vinyl fence division when we began to discuss a potential new customer who asked for an elaborate fence display "just because" they were a potential new customer. The potential new customer has not been heard from since placing his request over three weeks ago. Of course, the display is ready to go.

I had mentioned that this could be a sign of bad integrity on his part since he insisted that we move quickly for completion. My boss turned and said "Integrity? Chris even I lack that." What do you do with that?
After I picked my bottom jaw up, I most definitely felt the need to bring up the importance of integrity not only in the world but in God's world.

My first response was to say how important integrity comes into play in my own life when it concerns my wife and children. Then I plainly stated that God holds the highest regard for integrity and that is what Jesus'
ministry was clearly about. I explain to him that there were Hebrew leaders who comprised Gods will and they wound up being sent to what is modern day Iraq.

Did anything I said that day make a dent? That I do not know but I'll keep at it.

In eighteenth century England's integrity got tossed out the window.
Drinking and gambling was at epidemic proportions. Public hangings were like T.V. commercials and one historian called it a "vast casino". The church suffered as well as there was a purging of Puritan values. This set in motion "The Holy Club of Oxford" making the following mission statement. "We want to reform the nation, particularly the church, and to spread Scriptural Holiness over the land".

What John and Charles Wesley, along with George Whitefield, did was begin an evangelistic movement that saved England from herself. Can that happen here in twenty-first century America? For me, I guess God would have me do it one fence customer at a time. But for the brethren around me, I would pray that if you hear that an unsaved man is thinking of allowing the values that make who you are in Christ to fall by the wayside, that God would shrug you in those moments and share the hope that only God provides. - Chris Hughes

Chris is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and has attended the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies. Our Winter semester begins next week.
Have you considered digging deeper into God's WORD? It's not too late to sign up. Check out the full color brochure on the website
(www.americaskeswick.org) or call today for information: 732-350-1187)

Great Quote: "Tragically, many men all across the country will come to Promise Keepers events and miss the point. They will think that somehow by association and osmosis-having a PK T-shirt, a PK hat, and a PK notebook-they are godly men. Let me be clear: Information is not transformation, and exposure is not experience." Crawford Loritts

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