Thursday, December 13, 2007

Faith vs. Sight

Faith vs. Sight


"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal ... We live by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 4:18; 5:7

Jabez was bold enough to ask God to bless him - abundantly. He asked God to "enlarge his borders ..." When you ask God to enlarge your borders, it requires you to look at life through a different set of lenses. It isn't about ME enlarging my borders and manipulating God to do what I want, it is believing that HE will do the enlarging which is only traceable back to HIM!

Most of the time we are looking through the lens of SIGHT vs. FAITH. I love this description of the FAITH vs. SIGHT walk:

"Faith looks to God as the SOURCE;
Sight trusts in possessions, power and people.
Faith focuses on 'Who';
Sight is limited to 'how.'
Faith measures the SIZE of God;
Sight is controlled by the size of the problems.
Faith seeks God FIRST;
Sight takes matter into its own hands.
Faith waits on God;
Sight rushes ahead with self-solutions.
Faith is based on what God said;
Sight is based on how I feel.
Faith's seeing-eye-guide is the Bible;
Sight's guide is only what is visible.
Faith looks BEYOND circumstances to the possibilities;
Sight looks at how bad things are at the moment.
Faith believes God even when it seems NOTHING is happening.
Sight is controlled by the senses and feelings.
Faith doesn't require that it works on paper;
Sight demands facts and figures first.
Faith leaves it in God's hands;
Sight picks it back up, and worries and frets about it. (From THE JABEZ EXPERIMENT)

Are you willing to live today by FAITH? It is impossible to do it on your own - but through CHRIST it is possible. Are you bold enough to try it? Jabez was - how about you?

Great Quote: Charles Spurgeon was once asked, "How do you defend the Bible?" "Very easy" he responded. "The same way I defend a lion. I simply let it out of its cage." Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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