Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Enlarge My Borders


" ... Do something so big in my life that it is obviously from you ..."
- Paraphrase of Jabez Prayer

I've been digging for and mining treasure from this verse for the past several days now. Jabez cried out to the God of Israel and petitioned Him to bless him, indeed! And then he asks God to enlarge his borders, so that His hand would be with him.

Yesterday during our weekly staff chapel I gave my staff an opportunity to share how God has been using this time of praying the Jabez prayer in their lives. I challenged them to pray the prayer with me for 30 days.

It was thrilling to hear how God has been already "expanding" borders, doing things that are obviously from Him:

* A staff member invited family that they have had poor relations with for over 25 years and they accepted an invitation to come to their house for Christmas dinner

* A staff member and their family had an opportunity to present the gospel at the funeral of a family member in a unique way

* A staff member who was asked to be stretched on an upcoming missions trip

* A staff member who has received an open door to do ministry at a local detention center

* A staff member and wife who just found out that they are pregnant - their first child is 14 and they are in their 40's. (After hearing this news, one of my staff members said they aren't about to pray this now...:))

On Thursday night we had our Christmas dinner concert and our guest artist, Allison Durham Speer (well known from the Gaither Homecoming
Videos) shared a story about her last visit to America's KESWICK two years ago. She heard a Colony resident share a testimony and a passage of scripture that created in her heart a desire to dig deeper into the Word. Her search led to more study, caused her to be more hungry, and long story short, she ended up enrolling at Liberty University! During this last year, God has placed a burden on her heart to teach God's Word as well as sing. After the concert she said, "Beel, I know that God is about to expand my borders because of what He did in my heart when I was her two years ago!"

Someone has said, "Be careful what you pray for - you might just get it!" Are you bold enough to ask God to expand your borders? The qualifier here is that the answer will be only traceable back to God!
When He does it - you will stand back in amazement and say, "Wow!"

If you have joined me on this journey, I'd sure love to hear from you.
Normally I get feedback from our Freedom Fighter ministry, and lately you guys have been quiet. If what I am sharing is not hitting the mark, then let me know and I will prayerfully seek another direction. Your feedback is valuable.

"Lord, do something in my life today that is obviously from You!" Amen

Great quote: Perfect love, we know, casts out fear. But so do several other things - ignorance, alcohol, passion, presumption, and stupidity.
It is very desirable that we should all advance to that perfection of love in which we shall fear no longer; but it is very undesirable, until we have reached that stage, that we should allow any inferior agent to cast out our fear. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

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