Friday, December 14, 2007

Insights from the Prayer of Jabez


I Chron. 4:10 - Lord, please bless me indeed and enlarge my territory!
Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.

Today's Freedom Fighter insights were written by Mr. Chris Connors, our Director of Housekeeping, and a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

There is no such thing as luck. No matter how random things seem - they happen under God's watchful eye and according to His will. Because of the saving grace of My Lord and Savior, I no longer think I'm lucky - I'm chosen. Is there luck involved when the Creator of heaven and earth separates you from the world and speaks to you? God's decisions and actions are deliberate and motivated out of love. When a man responds to God's prevenient grace he is never the same again. What happens when a man starts to live for God? When an unworthy sinner is truly converted by the saving grace of Jesus? Does this man just feel lucky or truly blessed?

A man cannot deny the awesome power of God when He touches him.
Whatever is the reasonable understanding for this man, it starts with a remarkable degree of gratitude. But when does this gratitude grow into a boldness beyond our understanding?

Ask Jabez, a child born of pain. A boy who grew into a man constantly reminded by the pain and sorrow he brought at birth. Not much is told pertaining to the history of his name. Possibly, he was a difficult birth for his mother. Maybe he caused undo stress on a young couple that could not afford another child. Quite possibly his mother wanted a reminder that God delivered her from this great pain of child birth and brought unspeakable happiness into her life. When God delivers us from the pain and sorrow of our affliction, we should not forget it.
Scripture tell us that Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. That by prayer and devotion he was able to obtain truly great blessings from The Lord. Jabez may have been just starting out in life. He knew that his name would not predict his life if he gave his life over to The Lord.

Here's the thing; God does not force Himself on those who do not want Him, but He diligently looks for those who do, no matter who they are or what they have done. (2 Chron. 16:9) He seeks men and women, not because they're good and true, but because they want to be, and He wants to make them so. He will never give up or go away until His work is done. (I Thes. 5:24) Jabez called on God, who alone hears and answers prayers. Through Jabez, God revealed to us that not only He hears our prayers, but will answer them. There are not many facts concerning the nature of these blessings. History holds just this a small pocket of information concerning Jabez. We can only guess that Jabez was the reason behind the naming of the city in I Chron. 2:55.

God's blessings are real and produce real effects. Spiritual blessings from God ought to be our desire and prayer. That a man should be bold enough to ask for God-sized blessings and real life changing miracles he can hold on to. In addition, to fully believe that his prayers have been answered, and to ask for God's help in handling these blessings, is truly remarkable. Jabez asked for God's all, and God granted him his request. God is always ready to hear our prayers, and He is not short of blessings when we do.

What happens when we ask for God's all? What happens if we give ourselves to God so He can determine our outcome? If we live a life pleasing to The Lord, are we worthy of having such blessings? A life of great happiness and a reputation far greater than our brothers?
In this instance, God says yes!

Why did Ezra take note of this man? Why did he, in the middle of all these names, tribes, cities and lineages take time to mention
Jabez? Because God delights in blessing His children. And when He
does it in this magnitude, you can be sure that He will bring it to light. There are dozens and dozens of people mentioned only for a brief moment in scripture. Are these people less important to God? I think not. God constantly uses people like Jabez to remind us to think of Him often. To ask upon Him continually, to live and die with Him. To be with Him always, to rely on Him, to come to know He is our only comfort and support from our afflictions.

Great quote: "The Gospel teaches that Christ was born for our benefit and that everything he did and suffered was for us. As the angel says, 'I have good news for you, a message that will fill everyone with joy.
Today your Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in David's city'. With these words, you can clearly see that he was born for all of us. He doesn't say a savior was born, but rather, 'your Savior, Christ the Lord was born'. In the same way he says, 'I have good news for you'...this joy is for everyone who has this kind of faith." Martin Luther, Faith Alone.

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