Thursday, November 01, 2007

God Answers Prayer


"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my door." Proverbs 8:34

Yesterday was one of those incredible days of experiencing God is a wonderful way. I shared with you that we were having a special day of prayer to cry out to God about our finances. My prayer was that God would meet our need in a way that would point directly toward what only HE could do so that we couldn't get the credit for the answers.

Well we had a very special answer to prayer. At the end of the day I stopped in to talk with our CFO and he said, "So is the $10,000 a part of an estate or just a gift?" I had a puzzled look on my face and said, "What $10,000 gift?" He explained who the gift was from and I went back to my office to read the letter that came with the gift.

I laughed and cried when I read the letter. The gift was from the Board of another ministry that was dissolving because their President had gone home to be with the Lord. I laughed because this lady was one of my dearest friend/mentor/encourager - Dr. B! If she had still be alive, she would have been right there with us yesterday participating in our day of prayer and encouraging us to trust a "Prayer-answering-God!"

Now the gift could have come several days ago and it would still be a blessing. But for it to come yesterday of all days was one of those "kissed-by-God" moments for me. A reminder that HE DOES ANSWER PRAYER. And He did it through someone who has already gone home! It was like Dr. B was saying to me from heaven: "Keep on truckin' and trustin!"

My heart resonated with these verses in Psalm 28 from THE MESSAGE: "Blessed be God - He heard me praying. He proved He's on my side. I've thrown my lot in with him. Now I'm jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him!"

I will share some additional insights with you tomorrow, but please hear me: GOD IS A GOD WHO IS DELIGHTED WHEN HIS KIDS CRY OUT TO HIM! Have you talked to HIM lately? Today's a great day to start doing it!

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: "If we are to live out His plan carefully [for our lives], then besides consecration to Christ there must be daily consultation with Him, for He is the Master of the plan in all details. We should practice consulting Him about EVERYTHING, but especially about those things which seem like frustrations or contradictions." - J. Sidlow Baxter

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