Friday, November 02, 2007

The Power of Prayer


"Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God."
(Acts 12:5)

Do I really believe in the power of prayer. So much of what I do, I try to do in my own strength, and then when I am desperate, I pray. God has been showing me that this is one of the most powerful resources available to me - and yet how little I really use it.

This morning these words burned into my heart from STREAMS IN THE

"Prayer is the link that connects me to God. It is the bridge that spans every gulf and carries us safely over every chasm of danger or need. Do I really know the power of our supernatural weapon of prayer? Do I dare ask to use it with authority of a faith that not only asks but also commands? God baptizes us with holy boldness and divine confidence, for He is not looking for great people but people who will dare to prove the greatness of their God!

In my prayers, above everything else, beware of LIMITING God, not only through unbelief but also by thinking I know exactly what He can do.
Learn t expect the unexpected, BEYOND ALL that I ask or think.

So each time I intercede through prayer, first be quiet and worship God in His glory. Think of what HE can do, how He delights in Christ His Son, and on my place in Him - then expect great things.

Am I experiencing sorrow? Prayer can make my time of affliction one of strength and sweetness. Am I experiencing happiness? Pray can add a heavenly fragrance to my time of joy. Am I in grave danger from some outward or inward enemy? Prayer can place an angel by my side whose very touch could shatter a millstone into smaller grains of dust than the flour it grinds, and whose glance could destroy and entire army.

What will prayer do for YOU? My answer is this: Everything that God can do for you!" Streams in the Desert - Mrs. Cowman (Zondervan)

Will you join me on this prayer adventure? Are you willing to use the weapon that God has given us? I trust you will. And lets together expect great things!

Something to think about: "My personal life may be crowded with small, petty happenings, altogether insignificant. But if I obey Jesus Christ in the seemingly random circumstances of life, they become pinholes through which I see the face of God." - Oswald Chambers

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