Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crying Out to God

Crying Out To God in PRAYER

The ministry of America's KESWICK is a faith ministry. It has been that for 110 years. Historically, we have had seasons where we have found ourselves in difficult spots financially and those have been exciting times because of our believe that God is the One who provides for our needs.

We have a rich historical perspective of crying out to God for Him to show up to display His glory during these crunch times. We are there right now. Our Board made a decision over 11 years ago not to borrow money from the bank, and it has been exciting to see HIM provide for our needs in ways that can all be traced back to HIM!

Today we are crying out to God to provide for our needs because we are facing a huge deficit. We don't want to be behind in paying our bills as we believe it is not a good testimony to our vendors. We don't want to borrow money from the bank. So we have made a commitment to cry out to the Lord as a staff.

I have a team who meet with me daily for prayer and we have been praying together for the past several weeks about our finances. We have looked at ways that we can make budget cuts and seek ways to be better stewards. We looked for all OUR answers to make it work, and then I was whacked on the side of the head -- where is God in all of this? I was seeking all of OUR ways to make this happen. Is HE not able once again to demonstrate HIS power and glory? Doesn't HE delight in HIS kids crying out for help?

I was reminded of one of my favorite chapters in the Scriptures. I first thought it was just my trying to force a passage to fit our current status except that in several places in the past three days it has come up in my devotional readings, and then our speaker in staff chapel referred to it yesterday. I encourage you to read it ... Here are several verses that reappear four times in this text:

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting ... Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He delivered them from their distresses." (Psalm 107:1,6) Check it out. It will encourage your heart.

I don't know HOW or WHEN HE is going to work, but I am thanking HIM today as we cry out to HIM. I do know this -- that when the answer comes it will only be traceable to HIM.

If you would like to be a part of our day of prayer right where you are, respond to this email. We are looking to fill fifteen minute time slots beginning at 7:00 AM.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Sometimes we don't feel like praying. But if there were ever a time that we need to pray, it's when we don't feel like it. We need to pray until we DO feel like it. -- Adrian Rogers

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