Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Words of Encouragement

Words of Encouragement

When you pray do you ever imagine who you are talking to and where He might be and what He might be doing?  Heb. 2:9 says “.. we see Jesus, .. crowned with glory and honor;” Picture Jesus on His royal throne with all of the holy angels and the saints that have gone before.
What do you think he might be talking about? In Hebrews 2:11&12 we read “... 11Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. 12He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises."
Can you believe that? He is not ashamed of you! He has never been disappointed with you. Disappointment comes from failed expectations. Since He knows all about us from our birth until your death, He has known what we are even when He chose to redeem us.
When I first realized that God has never been disappointed with me I cried. I am so often disappointed with my walk and lack of faithfulness. He is not just “not disappointed,” He is actually proud of you and me telling the angels all about us and how He can’t wait for them to meet us

In verse 12 He says “… in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.” He is actually writing a song about you. Can you imagine, next Sunday, during a church service, someone standing up and starting to sing about how proud they are of you and when you look you find it is Jesus? `       

(I know that some think that Hebrews is saying that we will be singing His praises but that does not seem worth commenting on but if He is singing your praises that is a miracle.)

It is almost be too much to believe, yet the next seems more impossible. In verse 13 He says. “..I will put my trust in him.” Imagine God trusting you when you find it difficult to trust yourself. WOW!

How does it happen that He can trust us. The Scripture tells us how. Jude 1:24 reads “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.” The greatness of our good Shepherd is His great concern for His sheep. Trust Him who knows all about you and still loves you and believes in you when you can not understand. He will keep His world

Someone asked of the long distance runner, “What part of the race is the most difficult place for the athlete?” Some think it is the beginning, for a job well begun is half finished. I think not because we are fresh and all things are new. Such it is for a child of God when he first experiences his family relationship.

Others say it is at the end or near the end when the runner is exhausted and weary. It is then that he is tempted to give up and just quit. But it is the glimpse of the goal that reinvigorates the runner.

It is in the middle of the race, when one is just “picking them up and putting them down” that one is most tempted to just quit. It is now that you might feel most likely to give up, don’t do it.

Picture Jesus, having run the race before us sitting exhausted on a crate with the sweat pouring down His face looking for you as you run your race. Hear Him saying to you while gasping for breath, “Keep going! You can make it! I know you will!”

 Take courage He will never give up on you! (Pastor George Van Sandt)

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT:  “To understand the part of the Bible you don’t understand is to obey the part you do understand, and before long you’ll begin to understand what you didn’t understand!  UNDERSTAND? – Dr. Adrian Rogers

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