Monday, October 29, 2007

How did Sin begin?

How did Sin begin?

I remember in both Bible School and Seminary we tried to understand how sin came into the world. The consensus among the students was that it came into our world when Adam ate the forbidden fruit.

The problem is that a holy being cannot produce an unholy act. Or to state it more philosophically, does a man become a thief because he steals or does he steal because he is a thief? I think that it must be the later but then how does one account for Adam’s action.

Adam ate the “apple” because he was a sinner. The thought that preceded to action is itself sin, As you read the third chapter in the Bible you will find that Eve’s perception of the tree and act had changed.  Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it,

What made her concept of the tree change? Before the Serpent incident she saw the tree differently. It belonged to God. God had a right to do what He pleased with his creation. That was fine with her until she started listening to the snake. He convinced her that God was withholding something of value from her.

Once the thought that she should be treated differently by God entered her mind, she began to see the tree differently. It had value to her. Now John in his first epistle describes sin “2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

You will notice that what Eve thought, the lust of the flesh—“Good for food”, the lust of the eye—“Pleasing to the eye”, and the Pride of life—gaining of wisdom, are from the world and not from God.

If you read Psalm 139 you will find that David had a problem. When he saw the truth that God knows all about him: when he gets up, what he thinks even why he thinks what he thinks and knew him before he was born The Psalmist wants to escape from God. Things begin to change for David around verse 17

He discovered that the one who know all about him still loves him. Can you believe that? It is not God trying to get away from him but it was he who was trying to get away from God

In verse 19, David realizes that he is thinking like God’s enemies. The have corrupted his view of God and he wants to be free from their influences. Eve was corrupted by the words of Satan. We need to surround ourselves with people whose thoughts and words will support us in times of temptations.

Now here is my last thought on this subject, it is found in James 1:15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. How dose Lust conceive. It must join with something else. Nothing is self-conceived. So while lust may always be a part of the human experience it by itself can do no harm. It is when the will of the person joins with the lust of the person that sin is conceived.

So while the desire has not accomplice it can and will die. It is when we dwell on our lusts that the will begins its deadly work of sin. So, what are we to do?
Feelings (lust) only last as long as our thoughts are causing them. Change your thoughts and you change your feelings (lust) Think of God. Think His thoughts after Him or as Scripture says “Meditate on them in the daytime and at night. Memorizing scripture helps. Victory comes when the struggler has reinforcement (The Bible)! (Pastor George Van Sandt)

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: What we surrender, God takes. What He takes, He cleanses. What He cleanses, He fills. What He fills, He uses. – Dr. Adrian Rogers

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