Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Best Rest Ever!

Before and during the time I’ve written the October Freedom Fighters, I’ve done five funerals in five weeks.  I can’t ever remember a similar time in almost forty years of ministry.  These five weeks have reminded me of the great need for rest from the trouble and pain of life and death on planet Earth.

I’ve sat in funeral home with families that live with grief and the pain of loss.  Some have lost a spouse.  Others have lost a mother or father.  Many have lost a good friend.  It hurts.  One man, standing at the casket of his wife of more than fifty years said, “I didn’t know it would hurt this much.” 

Jesus knew all the pain life can bring when He spoke the words Matthew recorded in his gospel (11:28-30).  He knew the stress that can invade our lives.  He knew the turmoil of troubled families, difficult jobs and loved ones who die too soon.  He knew we would need His help.

So, He invites us to come to Him.  He promised to give us rest.  He relieves us of the burden of sin and guilt.  Then He instructs us to take the Yoke and learn from Him.  Jesus tells us that the yoke is easy; it’s designed for each of us.  The burden is light.  He’ll teach us all we need to know.  He’ll protect us as we stay close to Him while walking in the yoke.  We’ll benefit from His wisdom as He shows us how to walk in the new life He’s given us.

Then He tells us the result of all it.  “And you will find rest for your souls.”  It’s the best rest ever!  It’s rooted in who Jesus is and His power to meet every need that comes our way.  When we lose jobs after a factory closes, He gives us rest for our souls.  If family members bring grief our way, His rest sustains us.  The loss of the one we love more than life itself doesn’t destroy us because His rest takes root in our souls.

It’s this simple: Jesus tells us to come to Him and receive forgiveness.  He tells us to come to Him and learn from Him.  He tells us that the result will always be the same—rest for our souls.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy lade, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Can you think of any good reason to do anything other than live in the yoke?  I sure can’t!  (Pastor John Strain)

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