Saturday, October 27, 2007

Learning from the Master

We’ve considered Jesus’ invitation/instruction to come to Him and take His yoke for our own.  He expands the opportunity for us when He tells us that after taking the yoke and walking with Him, we can learn from Him.  I can’t think of anyone from whom I’d rather learn!

When the Apostle John   introduces us to Jesus in the first chapter of his gospel, he calls Jesus the logos.  He is the living embodiment of God’s Word.  He not only knows the Word, He is the Word!  When we receive the invitation to take the yoke and learn, we know we’re going to learn from God Incarnate—the Living Word!

He first invites us to come to Him, promising us that He will give us rest.  We’ve already learned that this rest is the rest we find in salvation.  Next, He instructs us to take the yoke.  It’s a different way for Jesus to say “Become my disciples.”  Disciples are learners.  So, Jesus calls us to discipleship and promises to be our teacher when we take the yoke.

Think about all we need to learn to live as Jesus calls us to live.  We all need to know about abiding in Christ (John 15).  How better to do that than to walk in the yoke with Jesus?  You and I need to know how to live in obedience.  Can we do better than to live in close relationship with Jesus as He teaches us how to live? 

We don’t think of it often, but we all live in danger.  The enemy of our souls lurks around us, looking for the perfect opportunity to attack.  Walking in the yoke with Jesus gives us opportunity to gain His wisdom for the war.  Without that wisdom, we’re sitting ducks waiting to be picked off.  Jesus knows that’s just one more reason we need the yoke.  It’s a safe and good place for those who follow Him.

What are you learning these days?  Do you have more knowledge of the world than you do the Word?  Do you live with Jesus in ways that allow you to learn from Him?  Jesus says “learn from Me.”  Don’t lose that opportunity.  It’s time for Freedom Fighters to get in the yoke. (Pastor John Strain)

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