Thursday, October 11, 2007

His Plan Not Mine


“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (ESV)”

Several weeks ago, we shared with you the story of Bill Pruitt, one of our recent grads who is now serving on our full-time staff. I asked Bill to write about a recent experience in his life that I think will be an encouragement to you.

On September 13, 2007 I was getting ready to share my testimony at an America’s KESWICK 110th Year Anniversary Banquet. I was very nervous about speaking and one of the guest pointed out that she had been praying for me and so had 2600 other prayer partners. It was the day I was listed as the staff member to be prayed for. This was comforting; however, I didn’t fully understand the significance. On the way back to Keswick in the van a friend asked what my family thought about me staying on after leaving The Colony of Mercy’s Addiction Recovery Center. I replied that they did not necessarily understand; however, I would be going home in November and I was looking forward to sitting across the table face to face and explaining my desire to serve Jesus. We discussed that I was uncertain about my father and brother’s salvation and that my dad had promised to go to church with me when I came home. We arrived home just before midnight and I was prompted to pray for my family.

At 6:45am I received a shocking call from my mother saying that my father had died from a massive heart attack. This couldn’t be true, he had worked until midnight the night before, he wasn’t sick. This felt like a nightmare; however I knew my mother’s cries were real. No coincidence that 2600 people had been praying for me the night before. While I had a great deal of sorrow I could feel the peace and strength of God all around me. On the way to the airport I told a friend that I knew God was going to use my dad’s death for something good. It was the only explanation for the peace I felt. I had a little more than a hunch since one of my three brothers came to know the Lord over the phone the night before – Praise The Lord!
The same day my dad passed away there was an enormous answered prayer.

As soon as I arrived home my mom and I went to plan my father’s funeral. My mother’s strength and peace were amazing. I could tell that she knew God had a plan and that he would give us the strength to handle the days to come. My mother was a different woman than the one that I said goodbye to when I was leaving for The Colony 14 months earlier. God had done a powerful work in her. She is a testimony to the grace of God. I asked to speak at my dad’s funeral. I wanted to honor him and I felt that I should read some scripture and pray. You see, when dad promised he’d go to church with me the Lord knew this would be the next time I would see him.

While praying at the funeral I prayed that we would not focus on the things we should have done or said but rather that God would help us to focus on the good that He would do as a result of my father’s death. Relying on the promises of the Lord’s word “… All things work together
for good, for those that are called according to his purpose.” The pastor that spoke at my dad’s funeral laid the gospel down plain and simple, yet direct. It was a beautiful time that honored Jesus.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: “If you obey God in the first thing He shows you, then He instantly opens up the next truth to you. You could read volumes on the work of the Holy Spirit, when five minutes of total, uncompromising obedience would make thins as clear as sunlight.” Oswald Chambers

Join us tonight for our first Men’s Fellowship Night of the new season. Dr. Peter Teague, President of Lancaster Bible College, will be our speaker. Call today to make your reservation: 732-350-1187.

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