Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Do Not Fret


"Do not fret." Psalm 37:1

Worry has a cousin - actually he is probably a brother - FRET! One of the definitions of the word FRET is "to gnaw or wear away, erode." Some of the synonyms for FRET are: fume, rage, harass, goad, tease, gnaw, corrode, grind, rust ...

The Bible not only instructs us not to worry, but it tells us not to fret - not to let things gnaw at us or wear us away or wear us down. That is what worry and fretting will do if we allow them to take control of our thoughts and our minds.

This is what I read this morning about fretting: "One person defined [fretting] as that which makes a person rough on the surface, causing him to rub and wear himself and others away. Isn't it true that an irritable, irrational, and critical person not only wears himself out but is also very draining and tiring to others?

When we worry and fret, we are a constant annoyance. This Psalm not only says, 'Do not fret because of evil men,' but leaves no room for fretting whatsoever. It is very harmful, and God does not want us to hurt ourselves or others.

Any physician can tell you that a fit of anger is more harmful to your system than a fever and that a disposition of continual fretting is not conducive to a healthy body. The next step down from fretting is being quick-tempered, and that amounts to anger. May we set it aside once and for all and simply be obedient to the command - DO NOT FRET!" Streams in the Desert (Zondervan)

Are you are worrier? Are you fretting today? Purpose today to be obedient to the commands of Scripture: Don't worry about anything! Don't fret!

Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
"I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.

Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
"Friend, I think that it must be,
That they have no Heavenly Father,
Such as cares for you and me! - Elizabeth Cheney

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