Friday, October 12, 2007

His Plan Not Mine Part 2

His Plan . Not Mine (Part 2)

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (ESV)

Here is part 2 of Bill Pruitt's testimony:

When we got to the cemetery I was tired and feeling like I had no more strength. The family was sitting in front of the casket with the guests standing behind us. I began to cry, feeling like I was going to lose it. The pastor opened up a hymn book and asked the crowd to sing Victory in Jesus. I could hardly believe my ears. It seemed like every guy in the Colony was standing behind me singing - OOOOHHHH Victory in Jesus my Savior forever. My mom, aunt and pastors that were familiar with KESWICK all smiled. It seemed planned, though not by us.

The days after the funeral were stressful; however, full of the presence of the Lord. On two separate mornings my mom woke up sad and nervous she would make her way into the living room and ask me to pray. I would get on my knees in front of the recliner she was sitting in and lean forward into her wrapping my arms around her (my brothers looking on). We prayed for his strength, peace, comfort and the Lord would do the rest. He pored comfort on us. It got us through each day's journey. We kept saying "His grace is enough." On the third morning my brother who had just come to know the Lord sat down and said "mom - how bout' letting me try." My mom's joy was apparent as he prayed the most beautiful and sweet prayer you have ever heard. As sorrowful yet always rejoicing. 2 Corinthians 6:10

Before coming back to New Jersey I went to have lunch with a couple of pastor friends. Jim helped me get to the Colony of Mercy. His dad had gone through the Colony thirty years earlier, his good friend ten years earlier and recently he brought another guy from Memphis. While visiting me in the colony last December the Lord put it on his heart to begin praying about starting an addiction recovery center in Tennessee modeled after The Colony.

We talked about how the details were getting in the way of getting something started soon. Tom said maybe we should be thinking how we would approach this if a house fell out of the sky as an interim solution to the larger plan. A thought popped into my head - Maybe a house did just fall out of the sky. Two days earlier mom and I were discussing how she would handle the maintenance of my father's childhood home and land until she was prepared to sell it in two or three years. The house is in the country and prefect for beginning an addition recovery center. I offered to mention them using and maintaining the house to my mom when the time seemed right.

When I arrived home my mom stated that the night before she had been praying about how she could be a part of the ministry that we had all been praying about - That's right the addiction recovery center. After thinking - you have got to be kidding me God. I told my mom of the conversation I had just had. Needless to say she has offered the house as an interim solution and help is coming out of the woodwork. People that were at my dad's funeral have offered to help in ways that blow my mind.

The way the Lord had used my journey out of bondage, my mother's spiritual growth and my father's death to create an amazing situation (still to unfold) reminds me of Genesis 50:20 where Joseph is talking to his brothers after his father has died. "as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Thank You, Lord, for what You are doing in Bill Pruitt's life.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Oh! blessed Jesus, reveal yourself to my heart; soften, melt, and renew it. Consume all the dross which it contains, and transform it, wholly, after your image; that, while surrounded by evils of every name, and sorrows of every kind, which abound in this rebellious, dying world, I may enjoy the light of your countenance, and the purifying influence of your love. Fill me with your love; satiate my soul with your goodness; and make me an everlasting trophy of your grace. Thomas Reade

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