Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Freely Give (Part 3)


"Freely you have received, freely give ..." Matthew 10:8b

I received an email yesterday from my Director of Marketing and IT and it would appear that many of you checked out the link with the picture of MERCY! Thanks for visiting the blog page.

My mother used to teach us the principle that you can never out give God! As kids, we watched with amazement how God provided for my parents needs. From the world's perspective, they were fairly poor, but they never lacked God's amazing supply in their lives. It was one of those life lessons that really stuck with me over the years.

Several years ago, a dear couple who have been soooooo good to the ministry of America's KESWICK, gave the staff a Christmas gift of $50 each. It was a huge encouragement to the staff. One of the guys was off the day the gifts were given out and I ran into him later in the day. He asked me if he could get his envelope. I didn't have access to the envelopes so I gave him the $50 bill that was in my wallet. He told me that when he got his envelope he would give it back to me.

After about and hour, the Lord reminded me that this family were going through some tough times financially. I walked back over to their home and told him that he didn't have to return the $50 bill. They were blown away and I left knowing that I had been able to give something to them that really was a gift from the Lord.

Several days later, I received a letter from a friend, and inside the letter was a brand new crisp $50 bill. The amazing thing is that I have probably given away that $50 dozens of times now and it still comes back within several days. I keep saying that I should be journaling the various stories ... but it has been so much fun seeing how God has multiplied the gift of a generous couple who allowed me to use their gift to bless others.

You can't out give God, men. If He has blessed you, why not think of a way to day to bless someone else today in your life.

Great quote: "God's promises are not mottos to hang on the wall. They are checks to take to the bank." - Dr. Adrian Rogers

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